The Check-Up

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Sanem and Can stayed awake well into the evening; their nap warded off the need to go to bed at a reasonable hour. They returned to the sofa, the TV played in the background but neither of them paid much attention - instead, they talked. Sanem leaned against Can's side. Arslan was draped across both of their laps, his head resting on her lap and his nose pressed into her belly.

"Do you think he knows?" Sanem asked, remembering that the puppy had done a similar thing earlier that morning when Deren had driver her home. Can glanced at Arslan, as Sanem brushed her fingers over the dogs silky, golden ears.

"Maybe... It wouldn't surprise me. He seems very intelligent." Can smiled.

"He definitely is..." Sanem told Can about how Arslan had looked after her all day, how he had been a beacon of comfort to her when she had been in pain. Can frowned, he hadn't realised it had been that bad.

"Sanem." He said softly. "I think we should go to the hospital tomorrow. I know I said we would take things slowly, but you need to get checked over, to make sure everything is okay." He took her hand after she went quiet. "The migraines might keep coming back. We need to see if we can get you something for them." Sanem nodded; she knew he was right.

"Shall I book an appointment for tomorrow? I don't think it's a good idea for you to try going to work anyway, you need to rest." Sanem shuffled herself, and Arslan, so that her head was resting on Can's lap. Arslan re-settled himself in front of her.

"Okay." Sanem replied simply. Can began stroking a hand through her wavy hair, making her sigh. Sanem shut her eyes, enjoying the sensation.


They finally went to bed at midnight. Arslan slept on Sanem's feet again. There wasn't any room in either of his human's arm's: they were too tangled up in each other.


Can woke first. Sunlight filtered through the window above their bed, illuminating Sanem's face. Thankfully, she had slept peacefully. Can prayed yesterday's difficulties would just be a one-off.

He watched his wife for a few minutes, entranced by the way the sun brought out the mahogany tint in her hair, which fell in messy waves around her shoulders. She was beautiful. He made a silent prayer that their baby would get Sanem's hair. The image sent a rush of blissful happiness to his heart. Can just wished Sanem was as excited as he was.

Eventually, he rose. Can grabbed his phone from the bedside table, heading out of the bedroom to make the call without disturbing her.

The hospital was one he was well acquainted with - the same one Emre had been sent to after his car crash, the same one Can had been to as a child when he broke his femur playing an enthusiastic game of football. He dialled the number, asking the receiver for the prenatal ward. He was paged through and greeted by a cheerful lady who booked them in for a last minute appointment at 11.30 am that morning.

Can returned to the bedroom, whistling to Arslan who sprung off the bed. He led the puppy downstairs, then slid open the glass doors. Arslan joyfully ran out - across the decking, then down the stairs onto the grass.

Can went upstairs to the cats, he refreshed their water, filled Ahu's food bowl then cleaned the litter tray. The grey cat even let Can fuss over her for a second, as she walked to the bowl to eat breakfast. Finally, he wished 'good morning' to both kittens.

They were starting to venture out of the nest now. Under Sanem's care, their strength had returned - fuelling their tiny limbs. It was as if, overnight, the kittens had realised their limbs actually had use. Ahu was having trouble keeping up with them.

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