Chapter 9: Sleeping...TOGETHER?!?!

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      Y/n sat in a huge bed that nearly trapped the entire room. Crowded around her was all the girls from 1-A who had huge smiles reaching ear-by-ear. She slowly took a pillow from behind her and leaned slightly before gulping.

"...I-Is there something you all want to ask me?" she asked awkwardly

"YOU ARE DATING KATSUKI BAKUGOU?!" They gasped in union

"..Ye-Yeah...Wait,NO! We just meet a few days ago and Katsuki see's me as a...a..." she slowly began only to be at a lost of words

"Y/N L/N! YOU ARE KATSUKI BAKUGOU'S GIRLFRIEND?" Momo asked with her hands clapped over her mouth

"We-Well..U-Um...we..we sort of...well..might have.."

"KISSED?!" They squealed


"...Man.." they all sighed before sitting back down

"Um...Anyone caring to give me an explanation?" she asked

"Oh, right! I'm Mina Ashido! My quirk is acid! I can emit acidic liquid from her body and control it to a certain degree" a pink haired, raccoon eyed girl greeted

"I'm Tsuyu Asui! And I was born genetically with the quirk of frog form. My whole family has half-frog mutation! I  can perform many frog-like abilities like superior jumping, sticking to walls, and camouflage" a dark green haired girl smiled politely

"Ochaku Uraraka is my name and I own the zero gravity quirk! I can make an object weightless and make it float when touching. If she closes her fingers, the zero gravity will be disabled and the affect objects will fall down as usual" a brunette smiled with a round face

"Yo! The name's Kyoka Jiro and I own the Earphone-Jack quirk! I can channel her heartbeat into things she plugged in, causing great havoc within the plugged objects and also  gain extra hearing ability!" a dark-black head girl with a confident smile sat by her left side

"It's a great pleasure to meet someone who's able to change Bakugou. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. My quirk is Creation. I can make my fat cells become any material or object as long as I know the components and have enough energy" a ponytail haired girl smiled, owner of the room

"No need for formalities! I'm Toru Hagakure! My quirk is simple; invisibility!" a girl she didn't notice said 'No wonder I've been seeing floating clothes for awhile...'

"SO, WHAT'S YOUR INTRODUCTION?!" They asked in union

'This is gonna be a long night...'


   Back in Bakugou's room, more like in front of Bakugou's room; the boys all huddled there to ask questions. Bakugou, being Bakugou, is currently struggling to kick them out until his best friend had to ask..

"Have you kissed her yet?"

    Bakugou felt the heat raise in his face and his eyebrows slightly twitched. An image suddenly appeared in his mind and he became a flustered mess. Slamming the door with a yelled answer {Unfortunately a no}, he leaned his back at the shut door and tried breathing slowly to maintain his balance. 'Why the hell did I think of that? What is wrong with me? She doesn't-' His thoughts came to a stop as he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Pulling it out, he was surprised to see the girl of his thoughts name on it.

"...Uh...Hey..." he awkwardly said "What's up?"

"I might be in Yaoyorozu's room for awhile but I'm not planning to sleep here so can you stay up and send me back later?" Y/n asked politely "Sorry, it's just a favor...Yo can decline actually-"

BNHA: Katsuki Bakugou x reader x Hitoshi Shinsou {WATTYS2019}Where stories live. Discover now