01. A Day On The Job

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I entered the fire department I worked at, Joe at my side. Joe was my best friend and I loved him so much. He's been with me since kindergarten and he's never let me forget how we met.

"Naomi!" Joe yelled first, followed by everyone yelling my name. Everyone called my name when I entered. I was a favorite among my fellow firefighters.

Joe wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I walked towards the lockers. "How's my best friend in the entire world?"

I smiled. "I'm doing great. How's my greatest friend in the entire world?"

Joe's smile widened. "I'm doing great, Naomi. Ready for your shift?"

I opened my locker. "Of course. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. We're teamed up today, right?"

Joe leaned up against the lockers. "I wouldn't see why not. We've always been partners. We're tight."

I laughed. "Trying to use the teen language now, are we?"

Joe laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "Shut up, Naomi. What are you doing later tonight?"

"The usual," I replied, grabbed a hair tie from my stash and handed it to Joe. I sat down and Joe started braiding my hair.

"Can the usual include me this time?" Joe asked as he started braiding my hair.

"Sure," I said, chills running down my spine as Joe's fingers touched my neck. "When do you want to come over?"

"Our shifts end at the same time," Joe said, finishing off the braid and tying the end. "We can head over in different cars so I can leave in the morning."

"Sure," I said. "I'll see you then."

The overcomm buzzed and called everyone to head over to the scene. I sighed and got up.

I looked over at Joe. "Ready?"

Joe cracked a smile. "If it's with you, then yes, my dear."

I grinned and I ran out of the locker room with Joe close behind me. We climbed into our truck and headed on our way. Joe was sitting next to me and he grabbed two of my fingers.

I looked over at him. "Scared, Cruz?"

Cruz chuckled and let go of my fingers. "Whatever, Lee."

I laughed and made eye contact with Otis. He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.

"Woah now." Otis raised his hands. "That was uncalled for."

"Your existence is uncalled for," I snarked.

A few of the guys laughed as Otis glared at me. I smiled and laughed it off too. It was fun to poke fun at Otis. He was so much fun to joke around with.

We arrived on the scene and we all got out. I could feel the heat coming from the burning building. I sighed and tucked my braid into my jacket.

I looked over at Joe. "Are you ready?"

Joe gave me a smile. "As long as you're by my side, Naomi."

I bumped him with my elbow as we walked toward the building. Joe and I always did things together. We went into buildings together, hung out together, everything. Joe was my best friend.

Joe and I ran up the stairs and started helping people out. I've done this so much. I guided a few people down the stairwell and looked back for Joe. He was only a few feet behind me

"That's the last of them, Naomi," Joe yelled. "Let's go. We can't stay much longer."

"Really?" I yelled as we went down the stairs. "I thought we'd take a nice stroll. It's a bit toasty though."

Joe laughed. "Just get downstairs, Lee. We don't have all day."

I smiled and continued going down. Joe and I got our people down to safety. I helped a few people with injuries. Gabby was sitting beside me helping another patient.

She glanced over her shoulder then back at me. "You have an admirer."

"What?!" I looked over my shoulder. Joe looked away quickly. "Who? Joe? He's just a friend. He doesn't feel that way towards me."

Gabby raised her eyebrow at me. "Of course not. It's not like he stares at you like you're the sun. He likes you."

I shoved her and continued helping the patient. "He does not. He's my best friend."

"Best friends can turn into something different," my patient, Kathy, said.

"Hey, save your energy, Miss," I said. "You shouldn't be listening in on some firefighter's conversation about their coworker."

"Who is he?" Kathy asked.

I looked over my shoulder. "Bald Mexican guy with the beanie thing on his head."

Kathy peered over my shoulder. "He is cute. If you don't take him I might."

I laughed. "Let's focus on you now, Miss Kathy. We need you to be healed up."

I noticed her mark was on her upper arm. It wasn't colored in yet, which meant she hasn't met her soulmate. Everyone had a black mark on their body somewhere and they had it since birth. Mine was on my chest, right over my heart. Once someone's mark was touched by their soulmate, it got colored in.

I finished with Kathy and joined the other firefighters. Joe placed his hand on my lower back as we walked to the truck.

"Are you doing alright?" Joe asked.

I rolled my eyes and climbed in. "I'm fine, Joe. You ask that question all the time. I'll always be alright."

Joe climbed in after me. "One of these you might not be and I want to be sure."

I sat down. "Hopefully I won't get hurt fighting a fire. I don't want to die doing what I love."

Joe sat beside me and squeezed my thigh. "We can only hope."

The truck started and we drove off. I rested my head on Joe's shoulder. He rested his hand on my thigh and rubbed his thumb in a circle. I loved Joe.

Burn Marks (Joe Cruz/Chicago Fire Fanfic AU)Where stories live. Discover now