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Ada Shelby hated seeing her brother restless, the vendetta was over, they had won, but she still felt some of them had lost.

Ada was the one to welcome John into her home, Ada was the one to watch him drink and drink, and fall apart and become angry.

Anna and John were the real losers in this vendetta, they had lost and gained and lost again, a vicious cycle of heartbreak.

Yet Ada was also the one telling John that he needed to wait, because Anna couldn't cope, she was in shock.

That day was no different, except John was fed up of listening to Ada and sitting around waiting, because waiting was getting him nowhere, he knew Anna wasn't going to come to him, he'd known her for 7 years, she was never the one to make the first move.

"And where are you going?" Ada asked him as she sat down on the steps, wrapping her robe further around her.

"I'm sick of fuckin' waiting, I want to see her Ada, I want to see my wife and I want to see my kids" Johns voice was slightly raised with frustration.

"John, you saw her, the poor girl can't bloody cope. She need's time, John this won't help at all" Ada's words fell on deaf ears as John opened the door and let it slam behind him.

"Oh, alright then John Shelby, fuck you too" Ada muttered.

John walked further down the street until he came to their old door and he knocked loud and clear.

It wasn't Anna who answered the door, and if wasn't any of the kids either, it was Martin.

Martins face hardened at the sight of the Shelby, and he close the door ever so slighty before he rounded on John, not even saying hello or good morning.

"I trusted you to look after my daughter, I trusted your family to protect her." Martin snapped, John's jaw clenched in response.

"Martin, you know I love Anna, and I wish that this never fuckin' happened, but don't blame me for something I had no control over. I tried to come back, but what good of a husband would I be to come back, but die and for real this time." John pleaded with his father-in-law.

"You won't be seeing her, not unless she want's to see you, and she doesn't" Martin stood his ground.

"At least let me see the kids, they're my kids too, Martin" John begged.

"I won't allow you to see the kids either, it'll be traumatising enough, they need their mother around first, and I'm not sure Anna's in the right state of mind for that." Martin stood his ground, and he knew it had worked when John's shoulders sagged, but seeing his shoulders sag was a little disheartening for Martin, and he couldn't keep his protective father fácade up for much longer.

"Look, son. I know you love her, and I know it was your brother who arranged this. Anna's hurt and confused. She doesn't know who or what to believe, she was so used to being without you, to mourning you every day, that now she knows you're alive, she doesn't know how to act or feel. Give it time, and give her space"

John pursed his lips before nodding and he slowly backed away from the house.

Anna was upstairs glancing out of a window, watching the exchange between John and Martin.

When John left, Anna backed away from the window with furrowd brows.

But it wasn't just that John was alive, when she thought he was dead for so long. She had killed a man.

"Forgive me for my sins, forgive me for my sins, oh lord, forgive me for my sins" Anna repeated over and over with her eyes closed.

Anna [J.Shelby]Where stories live. Discover now