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Tommy's injuries brought shock and anger to the Shelby family, but they knew Tommy and how his actions often led to bad endings one way or the other, so for the weeks upon weeks he was recovering, they held the business up steady.

The Shelby Company Ltd after all, did not just consist of Thomas Shelby.

Anna took frequent walks down to the canal, she was growing uneasy with the impending robbery, the Russians hours away and the men who had maliciously beaten up Tommy.

She was just left waiting for everything to come and go and for the money to be held out, to start a new outside of Small Heath.

For herself, there was one matter left for her to tend to, Mark Hainsley.

She didn't know if his intentions were right or if he was trying to use her, and because men could scoot around matters, she wouldn't ever know, even if he tried convincing her otherwise.

She purposely walked along the canal, just so she could find him, because that's where he was everytime she saw him.

It took a few days before he finally came along the canal.

"I was wondering when you would show up again" Anna mused.

"You know where I am, you could have come looking for me" Mark replied with a small smirk.

"Now why would I do that? Women only look for men when they want something off them, what could I possibly want from you, I have my husband, kids, everything I've wanted since I was taught in church that women were just housewives, their special ability to cook and clean and bare children, and of course, go to church. But I'm not here to ramble on, at least not in this sense"

"So what are you here for then, Anna?"

"I believe I may have given you the wrong impression of my life over the times we have talked, and because I'm not one hundred percent sure you only talk to me because you like to do so, it's only right that I correct your opinion"

Anna glanced over at Mark before letting out a sigh.

"I'm very sorry if us talking has led you in anyway to believe I'm anything but happily married. Because I am, happy with my husband, despite what you and your Italian influencers might think of him. And to be honest with you, I could never fully trust you regardless, because of the recent bad blood between my husbands family and the family you're friendly with"

"Then I'm sorry I led you to believe I was trying to gain information out of you. The truth, after I heard of the business, I was very interested in exactly what you Shelbys were like, on my walk I didn't expect to meet you, Anna Shelby. And your personality was quite captivating. But I know from the way you talk, you will always be faithful to your husband, and I can see the love you hold in your eyes. A look I held when my wife was alive"

"Being faithful to my husband has never been something I've ever had to think about, even with you, because I would never talk to a man if I thought it would go past just being friendly. But I very much enjoyed our conversation, though, Mark. It was nice speaking to someone out of Shelby range, someone from a place different, being a different side to Birmingham and all. I hope good fortune is brought to you, you very much deserve it after the difficult few years you've had"

"Your husband doesn't deserve a wife like you, you're too good for him"

"Nobody's ever too good for anybody. If If I told you I've killed a man, you would never believe me, would you? You always need the perfect balance of good and bad, otherwise you'll just be driven insane" Anna tossed him a charming smile before she stood up and walked away from him, leaving Mark wondering if this women, who seemed still so innocent and wholly good, had killed a man.


It's short I know, and so is the next one but you know what's
coming up so you'll have longer chapter's soon :)

Also, in like 1/2 weeks time I'll be posting the new John fanfic :)

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