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Anna glanced at herself in the mirror as she brushed powder over her pale cheeks, her dark and curly hair that she had refused to cut to go with the times up in a low bun, with her black hat pinned to her head.

The darkness of the clothing brought out the deep-seated sadness in her, and her pain had become evident in her eyes when she was alone.

The children were surprisingly quiet, which was a worrying thing in the Smith/Shelby household.

She exited the room once she was fully dressed, seemingly presentable for the funeral, her note she tucked into her bag.

She entered the girls room, which was the largest in the home, still small but larger than the rest and was surprised at all seven children in the room.

The oldest turned their heads towards Anna, who was taken aback.

Katie held Eddie in her arms, half of her blonde hair pulled up by a black ribbon, dressed in a dark dress and coat. The oldest 3 boys, all dressed in a dark hat, suit and coat.

"What- what are you doing?" Anna asked them.

"We want to come with you" Katie's voice was breathy as she placed Eddie down.

"No, no, you're staying here with the nanny, Isabelle, Harriet and Eddie" Anna told them.

"We're the oldest, and he's our dad" James replied.

"Oldest or not, Jack's only ten, you aren't coming, you dont need to watch that"

"We lost our mom when we was all little, we could never see her go because we were too young. We have you now, you're our mom, and all we remember is you and dad, at least I do. But we're older now, and we want to go." James told her, the oldest 4 stood firmly.

Anna's chin wobbled as she unpinned her hat and placed it down, walking over to the 3 boys, James and Harry nearly as tall as her.

"Well, you can start by taking off these hats" Anna spoke, taking each peaky hat and flinching at the razor blades inside of them.

"Who gave you these?" Anna questioned as she turned, glancing at the inside of the hat, trying to control the tears that wanted to leave her eyes.

"We were left them for Christmas, left on the table. Uncle Tom, we suppose" James replied.

"Well you will never put these on again, alright? Never. These hats bring nothing but bad things to the people who wear them, alright. Now, wear your others, the ones without the blades." Anna told them, clearing her throat.

"So that means we can go?" Harry questioned as Anna walked over to Katie, turning her around to fix her hair.

"Who am I to not allow you to? You were right, you lost your real mother, now your dad. You do have a right to be there." Anna cleared her throat.

"You're wrong about one thing, mom, Martha died, and perhaps she brought us up for a few years, but you're our mom even if you aren't by blood, you raised us. We love you and you'll always be our mom" Katie replied, her own eyes watering as Anna wiped them away.

"Of course I will be, you're stuck with me until I'm old and grey"

"Just like Uncle Arthur" Jack pitched in, Anna letting out a laugh.

"Don't say that in front of him, Jack" She told him.

Katie picked up Anna's hat and handed it to her.

All seven kids followed Anna downstairs where their nanny waited, unknowing to her, the nanny had helped the oldest get ready by their request.

"These 4 are coming with me, so you've only got the little ones with you this morning,"

Anna [J.Shelby]Where stories live. Discover now