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"What's got you in a good mood this early, John Boy? Usually you're a miserable sod" Arthur commented the next morning with a jokey tone, clapping John on the back.

"Yeah, fuck off Arthur" John shoved him off, biting on the toothpick in his mouth.

"Well it must be a girl, Arthur. Always a girl when our John's involved" Tommy interjected, glancing up from the morning newpaper.

Taking the toothpick out of his mouth, John placed his cap on the table and lit a cigarette.

"Speak for yourself, Tommy. You're with fucking Lizzie Stark every other night" John took a drag and exhaled the smoke with a smile thrown his brothers way.

Meanwhile, on her way to work Anna was thrown against the wall harshly, knocking the breath out of her as a man leaned closer to her ear after dragging her down an alleyway.

"You're going to help us find out more about the Shelby's, love. We noticed your encounters with John Shelby, use him to get the force some information" The man spoke lowly and threateningly in her ear.

"Maybe if you had asked nicely I could have helped you. But you didn't, so that's your loss" Anna gritted her teeth, breathing heavily by the force to which she was pushed, exhausting her. Shaking the man off, she pushed him away from her.

"Go to hell, find some other girl to do your dirty work" Anna spat at the man.

"You'll regret this, we could ruin you. We could out all of your secrets, Miss Smith"

"Do it then, I have nothing to hide from a city that barely even knows me" Anna fired back, walking out of the alleyway and back towards the Garrison to find the Shelby's.

The Shelby men were surprised when Anna stormed into the back room, hair all over the place and flustered, for the first time in a while, John worried for someone other then his family, he sat on the edge of his seat in anticipation.

"Forgive me for not knocking, but I've just been shoved down an alleyway by some copper, who tried to force me into finding out inside information on your family. I said no, of course I did, I'm not one to get into a families business, but you need to watch your backs because not every person they turn to will turn down their offer and not care about their threats"

At this, all four of them went ridged, a look of fury passed across their faces.

"They fucking threatened you?" John asked her, a dangerous underlying tone in his voice, surprising Anna by his concern.

"They did, yes. Threatened to out all my secrets and it's a bloody good job I don't have many I would be ashamed of. Now please excuse me, I think I need some whiskey"

Unaware John had followed her, Anna jumped when he began to talk.

"Jesus Christ, John" She breathed, earning an amused look from both Grace and John.

"Listen, I need someone I can trust, to look after my kids on Saturdays" He trailed off.

"And how do you know you can trust me, John?"

"Feel it in my bones, don't I. Us Shelby's are great at reading people" He grinned.

"Of course I will, John"

"Alright, 9am tommorow"

"I'll be there" Anna nodded.


I would like to thank you all so much for the amazing support on this story! I really appreciate it!

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