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Anna shrugged an alcohol-comatosed John off her, his arm wrapped around her waist.

She pulled her undergarments and clothing on, stepping out of their room and closing the door quietly, she first went to Katie and Isabelle's room, who both were awake and ushered Katie to wash and get dressed, before entering the boys room and waking all 3 up, telling them the same as she had told Katie before she pulled Isabelle out of the crib, changed her nappy and dressed her, ushering the now dressed kids down the stairs.

She cooked their breakfast and left them to play, taking Isabelle with her to go and check on Polly, who she was sure had regrets over the previous night and her bedding a young man.

It was mighty cold outside as she reached Polly's door to her kitchen, Isabelles head against her chest.

"Poll I just came to see h-" Anna stopped in the doorway of the kitchen as Polly turned to her, a young man, teenager even, by her side.

Anna smiled at the young man, as Polly glanced between the pair.

"Oh Anna, this is Michael, my son. Michael this is Anna, one of your cousins wives and one of their children" Michael stood, surprising Anna as he shook her hand.

"Its nice to meet you, Michael. Already, your manners are a lot more intact than the rest of the Shelby men" This comment made Michael chuckle and Polly to crack a small smile.

Anna took her coat off, placing Isabelle on the floor with a toy she had carried with her and glanced back up.

"Do you work with horses too?" Michael asked Anna, who glanced at Polly in confusion before she caught along.

"Oh, no, no. Im more of a housewife, really, y'know, look after the kids" Anna played it off.

John and Arthur soon interrupted the calm atmosphere as they burst in, pretending to shoot eachother making noises with the make-believe blasts of their guns, Tommy followed them.

They soon stopped as they noticed the presence of a stranger, straightening themselves out and putting away their guns.

"Alright then Pol, who's this" Arthur struggled to contain his luaghter, clearly he thought Michael was another young boy she was messing about with. John was sniggering along with him.

"Young men, this is your cousin. Polly's son, Michael" Tommy introduced them, the pair slowly turned more serious.

"Pleased to meet you" Michael stood, taking each of their hands into a handshake.

"John" John introduced himself shortly.

"I'm Arthur, you already met me. I used to throw you out the window so John could catch ya" Arthur reminisced.

"Yeah, and I used to put you in a shoe box and kick you down Watery Lane" John added.

"Bet you're glad to be back" Tommy spoke almost sarcastically and Michael laughed in response.

"I don't remember any of it. All I remember is the day they took me away" Michael revealed, Polly's heart sped up, thinking of that dreadful day as she stood, taking his head into her hands before hugging him.

"You're here now son, welcome to the Shelby family" Tommy spoke, and in her mind Anna couldn't help but add 'there's no going back now'.

"Later on we'll show you the ropes" Arthur told him.

"Yeah, we'll show you what's what" John added.

"Lets leave him be for now, ey" Tom told the men as Polly glanced at him for help.

"Come on boys" Tommy ushered them out.

"Nice suit" Arthur commented in amusement, making Anna and Polly laugh.

"They seem nice." Michael said, Anna laughing at that too.

"They've big hearts underneath that steel exterior, I'll give them that" Anna smiled at him.

"I'll leave you two to catch up" Anna picked up Isabelle who clung to her mother and left after the men.

"Alright, John. Find me Billy Kitchen, we've business to sort" Anna heard Tommy say, Anna rolling her eyes and breaking off from the three on her way home, the nanny, Mariah, no doubt with the kids.

"It's all bloody business these days, ey Isabelle?" Anna spoke to her daughter, who just glanced up at her and began babbling, grabbing at her mother necklaces.


Thought I would update as it is my 16th Birthday and I needed to update anyway aha.

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