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"What do you want from me? I've done nothing to end up in prison!" Anna protested as a stern, grey-haired man walked in. She had come around not long ago in a murky interrogation room.

"Anna Smith," The man had a thick Irish accent.

"We have reason to believe you have been conversing with the Peaky Blinders, and I want to know why and what you know"

"Conversing with the Peaky Blinders?" Anna laughed, the Irish man's face hardening.

"I serve them in a pub, and I was asked to look after John Shelby's children. I hardly believe that is criminal, sir" Anna's words earned her a harsh slap, a ring catching her cheek as a drop of blood shot down her face.

In return, she glared at the man.

"My men asked you for information from John Shelby and you refused. I'm going to make this very clear for you, Miss Smith. You talk or John Shelby's children will be found and taken away" Anna's face paled drastically.

"You can beat me and tear me down all you want but over my dead body will you harm those children or take them away. I've told you, I know nothing that would be of value to you."

"Alright, Miss Smith. If you want to play it like this, I'll play too." He gestured for men to come and take Anna and she went kicking and screaming, knowing just what they'll do to her.

What could have been days later, Anna stumbled down the streets of Small Heath after being released from prison hours earlier.

Bruises rab up and down her body, slash marks, cuts all over her face. She could barely feel her arms, her face stinging and her legs felt like they were barely there after being imobile after the initial beating. She was aware of the stares she was earning, she swiftly reached her flat and as she reached for her key she could hear whispers circulating through passers by.

"Oh my christ, what have they done to you? " Polly gasped from behind her.

"Nothing I can't fix myself" Anna spoke weakly, she hated to admit that she didn't want to speak to the family who had caused this pain right now.

"No, no I'll clean you up. I insist" Polly led Anna to her home, the doors Anna guessed that led to the betting shop were closed.

Polly placed her in a chair, grabbing everything she needed to fix the young lady up.

"Who did this to you, Anna?" Polly asked her, her voice hard.

"An Irish inspector, I told him nothing, they threatened to take Johns children. When I refused to say a thing they took me away and beat me up"

"The boys will get justice for you. You shouldn't have to be pulled into our business"

She dabbed alcohol on the wounds along her face, making Anna wince in pain.

"Fucking hell" Arthur breathed as he entered the room and assessed the state Anna was in.

"Don't let your eyes deceive you, she's a strong one" Polly smiled as she finished dabbing alcohol into the facial cuts, moving to her arms.

"Always knew you weren't just a pretty barmaid"

"Are the kids okay? I asked Jack to fetch John after the house went quiet"

"They're fine. All thanks to you. We can't say how fuckin' sorry we are that the coppers came for you" John spoke as he entered behind Arthur, his accent thick as he tried to hide the emotion behind his voice.

John paused at the sight of her, he couldn't help but feel angry and guilty, he chose to stay quite the entire time.

Once Polly dressed Anna's cuts wounds, John guided Anna home. She raised her brow, ignoring the pain it caused to shoot through her head.

"protection details?" She asked in surprise, and annoyance at the Peaky Blinder by her door.

"Tommys idea" John coughed, a small white lie, it was really John who refused to let Anna be taken again.

Anna nodded, entering the door and saying goodbye to John, breathing out a sigh of relief when she was safely in her flat, but turned around with the door still open.

"I think it's best if I lay low, and you dont come for your late night drink for a while" And John couldn't agree more, for a few seconds he hated his last name and what he did for his living, because today it injured somebody who he cared for.

As Anna sat down, a few tears escaped her eyes at the ordeal she had just lived through, the cuts on her body making her cry in pain as the sore spots brushed against the material of the shirt Polly had lent her.

"What the fuck are you doing, Anna? You promised yourself you wouldn't get involved. You fucking promised" Anna whispered harshly to herself.

Anna [J.Shelby]Where stories live. Discover now