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It was Christmas day and the birds whistles pierced the sky as the sun rose, the air crisp and fresh.

John and Anna padded about their home, careful as to not wake the children prematurely, exchanging a 'Merry Christmas' as Johns arms snaked around Anna's waist.

"It's nice isn't it, a quiet Christmas. No ash from the furnaces to fool us into think it's snowing" Anna laughed as she poured some tea.

"I love you" John murmered, kissing her jaw as she laughed in response.

"And I love you" She smiled up at him.

The silence didn't last long and was interrupted by the sound of somebody outside, John and Anna turning to eachother puzzled before he grabbed a rifle out of the front room.

"Just, be careful. Whoever's out there clearly doesn't care what day it is" Anna warned him as the dogs followed him through.

Anna was surprised to see it was Michael who was outside their home.

"What's wrong? Michael, it's Christmas day, shouldn't you be at home with Poll?" Anna asked him with furrowed brows and crossed arms.

"Tommy needs you back at Watery Lane, everybody's going back, there's a meeting Boxing Day. He needs you back for your own protection"

"No, Michael. If Tommy could offer protection you, John and Arthur wouldn't have been standing in the gallows last Christmas. We've our own family, it's Christmas and we're staying at home" Anna rounded on him, too much built up anger for Thomas Shelby as she stepped barefooted and barely dressed into the freezing cold.

"And anyway, we're the Peaky-fuckin'-Blinders" John responded with a shotgun over his shoulder.

"No, John. We're not the Peaky-fuckin'- Blinders unless we're together" Michaels voice raised before all heads turned to a noise coming from outside the gates.

As hay bales fell, John readied the rifle and stood out in the opening, Michael and Anna's eyes widening as guns were pulled on them.

"John!" She shouted, pulling on his arm to which he shrugged her off quickly but gentley.

"Get in the fuckin' house" John shouted at her as he began shooting as did they.

Anna rushed to the doorway, the gunshots deafening her ears as her heart began to race in fear.

Eyes wide, she turned as John took his first blow, and the first of many piercing screams escaped Anna's lips.

The loud bangs pierced her ears, buzzing as she tuned it all out and before she knew it, she was falling, collapsing against the doorframe in a state of shock.

She was frozen, rooted as she shook, John falling to the ground .

A sob escaped Anna's mouth as she was brought back down to reality, her heart felt like it was being squeezed, John and Michael bleeding out and Anna couldn't bring herself to go over to them as she gripped the doorway.

"J-john, j-john!" She sobbed, her eyes scrunching together as she stood unsteadily, stumbling over to the phone and she dialed the numbers.

"F-finn, get Tommy, get here and get a f-fuckin' ambulance"

"Anna, what's happened? Anna. ANNA?!" Finn yelled down the phone before she hung up and slumped on the floor, tears silently and relentlessly falling down her cheeks.

She didn't know how much time passed by as the Shelby family arrived with 2 ambulances, shouting and no doubt waking up the kids.

"Michael! Michael!" Anna could barely hear Polly screaming as she stared onwards, her eyes blurry from tears as her ears buzzed piercingly.

Anna [J.Shelby]Where stories live. Discover now