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Anna sat, her knuckles white as she clenched the sofa arms, trying to calm her breathing as to not induce a hysterical fit- either upset or angry, both wouldn't be good.

"Didn't see you at the betting den, what are you doing back early?" John asked as he entered through the front door.

"Didn't see you at work either, what, was you off with Lizzie Stark?" Anna retorted, standing up to turn to him with a challenging glare.

"What are you on about?" John asked after a pause.

"Don't give me shit, John! You know exactly what I'm on about! Fucking Lizzie Stark under the fucking bridge, oh yes, John, I know. Yes I fucking know" Anna's voice raised as John stilled.

"Did you think I was just going to sit back, be completely unaware? People do walk near the bridge, John, and not all of this fucking city is scared of speaking the truth about a Shelby, though I'm glad because imagine how much of fool I would be if I never realized, huh? Are you going to fucking say something or what?" She shouted.

"Shut up, Anna, half of fucking Watery Lane will hear you" John snapped as her voice raised.

"Let's let them! Let's let them all know that Lizzie-fucking-Stark still has her legs open for fucking business!" Anna seethed.

"What else am I supposed to do? My own fuckin' wife is pushin' me away and ignoring me for everything!" He yelled.

"BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT. Jesus, fucking christ, John. I'm pregnant." Anna shouted, pausing John as he breathed heavily and pursed his lips.

"And maybe if you wasn't going off with Lizzie Stark or working all the bloody time you would have noticed! Sometimes, John, unlike your fucking prostitute friend, women don't want to be touched"

"Look, she ain't doing that no more a-"

"In my eyes, John, a woman who sleeps with other womens husbands, is a fuckin' prostitute" Anna snapped.

"Where are you going now?" John asked as she grabbed her coat as well as Isabelle, Anna ignoring him.

"Anna, we need to talk" John grabbed her arm, trying to pull her back but she snatched it away, looking at John with so much deep-seated hurt it was a blow him.

"No, John, I don't want to fucking talk to you anymore"

"Bloody hell, Anna, you look like hell" Polly commented as she knocked on her door after driving over.

Anna sniffled as she sat beside Polly by the fire.

"What the bloody hell is wrong, Anna?" Polly asked, Anna taking her head into her hands after Polly took Isabelle into her arms.

"Lizzie-fucking-Stark is what's wrong"

"Oh god" Polly muttered.

"He's been bedding her for god knows how long, all because I won't give him attention, and you know the reason why, which my own husband should have noticed, I'm pregnant, Polly"

Polly leaned back with a mutter of 'fuck'.

"I'll kill her, I'll fuckin kill her, and I'll get Tommy to give her the sack, too"

"No, Poll, don't, John played his part too, and Tommy can't sack his own brother." Anna spoke tiredly.

"I knew something was going on with you, for weeks, but I don't have a clue as to why I didn't suspect this"

"Dont worry, Poll, I only told Ada, and besides, even my own husband didn't realise"

"Right, come on, you and the baby can have the guest room,"

"What about the kids?" Anna asked as Polly ushered her up.

"They've John with them, they'll be fine for one night, and if they aren't then it serves John right"

Anna watched Isabelle sleep soundly beside her, in her undergarments she could see a small belly poking out.

She heard voices downstairs, to which she stood, quietly opening the door and walking onto the landing where she listened quietly.

"What are you doing here? Whose with the kids?" Polly asked the person.

"Arthurs with them"

"Arthur, fucking Arthur?"

"Aunt Poll, is she 'ere or not?"

"Yes, she fucking well is here but she's asleep and you aren't disturbing her"

"I just wanted to know if she was okay" John sighed.

"Okay? I think she's well past okay, John. Lizzie fuckin' Stark, what's wrong with you John? Any husband would realise their own wife's fuckin' pregnant"

"I've been busy, Poll, and she was pushing me away and then there was Lizzie givin' me all this talk"

"So you turned to Lizzie-fuckin'-Stark, great company she is, best she gave you all sorts of attention, ey, John? Are you happy? Driving away just about the only good thing you had in your life?"

"Fuckin' hell, alright, Poll. I fucked up, you're giving me an headache"

"You better fuckin' sort this, John, or I'll make it fucking clear she doesn't mess around with other womens husbands."

Anna heard a slam of the door, making her jump before she hurried back into the room and closed the door quietly, taking a deep breath.

Anna [J.Shelby]Where stories live. Discover now