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After the meeting, the family conversed with one another, Ada playing with little Isabelle which brought a genuine smile to her face as Isabelle giggled.

Isabelle pulled herself up by her mothers knees and toddled over to her aunt, Ada clapping at her.

"It has been a very long time since I saw you, Anna" Grace spoke from behind her, Anna turning to Grace with a smile.

"Well I didn't believe you would be returning, not after the trouble Birmingham has brought you. I expected you to be married with children"

"I am, I am married. But I am getting a divorce, I could not love a man without the thought of Tommy haunting me, it seems" Grace replied.

"Shelby men have that way with you"

"I am surprised, I didn't think you would be happily married to John, with children. I saw you two grow close, but I thought two complete opposites couldn't attract, until now, of course"

"Happily married could be argued, still, I wish you every happiness" Anna smiled at her.

"Anna" Lizzies voice called nervously, Anna turned sharply, a glare aimed at her as anger built its way up her chest.

"You know, Tommy, when you offered Lizzie the position of secretary, you ought to have exaggerated further that her past dealings with men could not be continued. They have continued, haven't they, Lizzie?" Tommy glanced over at Anna as she took a step closer to Lizzie threateningly.

"Is this true, Lizzie?" Tommy questioned after a pause, John clenching his jaw as he slouched, his eyes thundrous as the family watched on.

"Oh it is, she's been sleeping with your fucking brother" Anna pulled back her hand and it collided harshly with Lizzie cheeks, her head snapped back in shock as her face burned, Anna withdrawing her hand as she breathed heavily.

"You fucking deserved that" Anna spat as Polly grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Is this true, John?" Arthur glanced over at his brother who never responded, Arthurs eyes dropping.

"Lizzie, please leave, I will see you at work, tommorow" Tommy told her, she hung her head low and left.

Anna picked up Isabelle with her jaw clenched and left the betting shop, heading straight home where she clutched onto the table and tears sprung to her eyes.

She only allowed them to be silent tears, no sobs, just silent tears that came and they went and left her feeling slightly empty.

Mariah showed to look after Isabelle soon after, not questioning her employer over how she looked upset.

Anna returned to the betting shop for the working day, where the family members present gave eachother silent glances as Anna got to work with the other women taking money and scribbling in books.

Esme glanced over at the Shelby, she had noticed the tense atmosphere when she entered her work place.

She picked the book up and placed it in front of Anna who nodded at her.

"Thank you, Esme"

"Are you alright?" The young woman asked her.

Anna faultered, opening the book, "fine, thank you"

Esme backtracked to her desk and with a last glance, got back to work.

Anna worked quietly up until closing, her mind in turmoil but her face straight.

At the end of the working day, Anna collected the books in and carried them towards Johns office, where he leaned back in his chair as she entered and dropped the books on his desk.


"No, fuckin' no, John" She replied, he didn't take that as an anwser as he leaped out his chair and grabbed her arm, pulling her back into the office and against the wall where she looked elsewhere and quivered against his hold on her.

"Look, I'm sorry"

"Anna?" She ignored him.

"Fucks sake, Anna" He cursed.

"Do you know just how much you've hurt me?" With all her strength she shrugged John off her and stumbled out of his hold.

"I expect it from your brothers, but not you John, never you" Anna glared at him before walking out of Johns office and grabbing her coat, the sound of a desk being thrown over could be heard behind her.


Sorry not sorry, Lizzie.

Note: please can you check the order of chapters of this fanfic and message me/comment if they're all in order as wattpads being messed up and the chapter order looks messed up on my phone! Ty!

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