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To say Anna was annoyed, was an understatement. Perhaps at the very beginning of their relationship, Anna knew John would never be unfaithful or doing anything bad against their relationship purposely.

It had been 2 years since the 'honeymoon' stage, and Anna missed the almost innocent chats in the Garrison more then anything.

It wasn't that she didn't trust John, in fact she trusts him with her life, but many wives could agree that they knew their mens eyes wonder.

Their relationship had never been quite as loved up as they were originally, and sometimes Anna thought too much about that. Perhaps it was the kids, perhaps it was business or perhaps it was just normal for a relationship.

She thought about it as she sat with a lit cigar, the kids put to bed, her bare legs spread out over the rest of the sofa.

She reached over for the glass of whiskey she had poured herself, the door startling her as it opened and surprisingly, it was John and Arthur who entered through the door.

"Have fun in London then, did you?" Anna asked innocently, swirling the contents of her glass.

John turned to her, glancing at her for a long moment before responding, "as it goes, I did."

"Yes, I can see that. The cuts on your hands, that twinkle in your eye. I would say either you 3 got caught up in a fight, or you kissed, maybe even fucked some young woman"

John looked away, pursing his lips as he prepared himself for the harsh words that he was bound to hear from his wife.

"Im not angry at you, John. You're a man. No man in this world today is faithful, even a doting man like you" Anna eyed him, standing out the chair and walking towards the staircase.

"Maybe it's time you stop drinking whiskey, right Anna?" John responded, making Anna throw her head back and laugh.

"I'll see you in the morning, unless you decide to go on another trip, fuck more women, get into more fights, leave your 5 fuckin' kids at home"

"You're being fuckin' ridiculous" John told her as she mounted the stairs.

Anna spun back on her heel, her eyes on fire as she glared down at her husband.

"What's ridiculous is the fact that I've gave up fuckin' everything for you, John. My mothers god knows where, my friends want nothing more to do with me, the kids are running circles around me all the fuckin' time. I walked into Birmingham with nobody knowing my name, a fresh start and you swan in, you set your charm on and yes I love you John, but I can't walk down a street anymore without the whispers, the glares, I'm known as that 'girl who married into that awful Shelby family', maybe there's more respect from the men, but I don't want to be fuckin' followed by your Blinders, I don't want to be fuckin' dragged down alleys," Anna took a breath.

"You think I wanted this fuckin' life for you or the kids?" John snapped, Anna shaking her head, stepping back down the stairs.

"I'm a mother, and a wife who works in a betting shop of all places, but I'm not just that now, I'm a fuckin' killer too. As if I wasn't already drowning in sin, my fucking mother would have my neck if she knew me now. I've changed, and maybe not for the better, you think I didn't notice your stare when you saw that man dead, you think I don't notice the sideways glances Polly gave me when she found out I had killed someone. I don't regret marrying you, John, I've never loved someone as much as I've always loved you but sometimes, just sometimes I wish we lived a different life, and the kids grew up in a different life. Your family has done a lot for me, and I appreciate that, I do. But sometimes I wish you were around more. Isabelle took her first steps this morning. And you weren't fuckin' there."

John stared back at Anna, her eyes were begging for a reaction, a few words, she'd never been able to tell him how she truly felt, in these days, not many men would listen.

"Look, we're sorry you've been dragged into our way of living, I can speak for John boy here, but you know what comes with being married to a Shelby, and times are 'ard, there's people out there who would do anything to put a bullet through our skulls. You are a Shelby, those kids are Shelby's, you're under the protection of us, we stick together, you know that. You married into this family for a reason, just remember that reason, remember what got you 'ere, and remember why you're still 'ere with my brother." Arthur spoke up, his hands clapping John's shoulder as John looked almost sourly, eyes avoiding Anna.

"Thanks Arthur," Anna smiled, "just a shame John couldn't say that"

"Im going to bed, you can come if you want, or not. It's up to you" Anna called as she walked up the stairs.

There was tears in her eyes that she would never shed at that moment, for she was not so easily broken down anymore. She knew, no ordinary woman who married into a family such as the Shelby's would stay the same as their original.


Hi guys, I'm failing my GCSES so I decided to do the one thing I don't fail at (at least I hope I dont), and that is write a Chapter..

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