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Warning: Sexual Content

Anna laughed as John placed kisses down her collarbone, hovering over her body.

"We've learnt this lesson, John, the kids.." Anna muttered out as his sloppy kisses trailed down to her breasts, inducing a laugh out of her as she squirmed under his touch.

His tongue teasing her, hands trailing over her body. She loved the way he loved on her, every inch of her skin he loved. He loved the way how if she couldnt love her own body, then he would show her just how perfect she is.

The times they spent together, locked in room, kissing and loving on eachother, it never got old. John didnt treat her like new territory that he needed to savage and take advantage of. He cherished her, completely. She knew that, she could feel it when he kissed her, went his hands brushed her skin, when they had their most intimate moments together.

"John get your arse down 'ere! There's work to be done!" The pair groaned as Tommy shouted from their door, the moment was gone, ruined. Thomas had returned from London a week ago, after discharging himself from hospital and travelling up there.

"Every fuckin' time" John shouted, there was a barely audible chuckled as Anna slipped out of bed, completely naked as she pulled on her undergarments, John placing a kiss on her head before he rushed after Tommy, fully dressed.

Ignoring the throbbing between her legs had become easier for her over the years, the children were already dressed and awaiting their breakfast.

In the betting shop, men bustled around, the Lee ladies and Anna sitting at their tables, Anna looking through books of earnings and winnings.

There was commotion as Tommy brought all the workers into the main area by the door, as Polly rushed through and looked around as everybody started to clap.

She looked around in confusion as she muttered, "what the hell is going on?"

"When did you get back?" Polly asked Tommy as he approached her, cigarette in mouth and hands clapping equally as much as the others.

"Didn't wanna miss your birthday, Poll" Tommys lips turned into a slight smile, putting his arm around Polly.

"Back to work" Arthur called.

"How'd you know it's my birthday, nobody ever knows" Polly asked Tommy.

"Ah, it's different this year, John, Finn, bring the car 'round" Tommy called.

"Where we going?" Polly asked

"To unwrap your birthday present. After you" Tommy gestured to the door.

"Do you know where they're going?" One of the girls asked Anna as she sat back at her desk, picking her pen back up and going back over the calculations.

Anna shrugged, "no bloody clue"

"Didn't John tell you this morning?"

"Seems to me when they walked through the door this morning, they didn't do a lot of talking.." Esme threw a smirk Anna's way, who threw a pen at her in return.

"Get back to work, girls"

Anna [J.Shelby]Where stories live. Discover now