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"How do you feel, about this Arthur and Michael, Sabini and Solomons business?" Anna questioned Ada, who had returned home for a short time.

"If there's one thing I know, it's that my brothers are bloody stupid, I just feel sorry for Michael, really. Poor kid, not a few months ago he was still Henry, now he's Michael, a Shelby at that and he's already landed himself in prison"

"How many times have the boys landed in prison, though?"

"More times than I can count, I can't even count the amount of times they've bribed their way out of there, either" She chuckled.

"The business and current matters aside, how's London and Karl?"

"Feels like I'm standing on me own two feet, for the first time in a very long time. When you lose a husband, you just feel like nothing could ever be the same, but in reality, life goes on as if nothing ever happened, so the same old things happen, just without one extra person"

"I know it's been hard for you, but you are the strongest, most independent woman I know. Besides Polly, of course"

Ada took a minute to glance over Anna, she noticed how much paler she had become, how tired she looked, but her body had become fuller at the same time.

"You look different, paler, do you feel okay?"

Anna faultered, and paled even more if that was possible as she played with her mug.

"Im fine, Ada"

Ada leaned back in her chair and held Anna's gaze, her accent think as her words tumbled out.

"You're pregnant."

It wasn't even a question put to Anna, it was a statement.

"Can you really tell?" Anna asked after a pause.

"To a woman's eye, yes, but a man would just look at your fuller body as if you were a slice of meat on bone"

"You can't mention this, John doesn't know yet" Anna leaned back with a freshly lit cigarette.

"Well, why the bloody hell doesn't he?"

"Because now isn't the greatest time to tell him, with everything, he's barely home, when he is, he tries it on me, and when I turn him down he goes all quiet, and the last time I tried to tell him, we found out Arthur and Michael were in jail"

"When are you going to tell him then? You show sooner with your second, and really, this is your third"

This information made Anna pause, and Ada faultered at her bluntness, Anna's mind flickering to her first, aborted child with guilt before clearing her throat.

"Yes, Ada, it's still early but I already am showing the very slightest, but as I said, John isn't ever here"

"You need to tell him, Anna. Sooner instead of later"

"I'll tell him once they've sorted this mess out, besides, it isn't exactly the best time to be pregnant or have a baby"

"I know you don't believe in this sort of thing anymore, Anna, and usually I think it's a load of rubbish, but I agree that god makes things happen for a reason, especially when it comes to children"

"I did the strangest thing the other day, something I hadn't since I was 17," Anna began, glancing at the fireplace as Ada looked at her to carry on.

"I prayed, for the first time in over 7 years," Anna swallowed down the emotion at the memory, "and I prayed the kids and I wouldn't grow apart like I did with my own mother, I prayed that they would never resent me, that I would give them a life my parents originally wanted me to have, that I always wanted to have growing up."

Ada glanced over at her sister-in-law, no words leaving her mouth before the door opened and John entered.

"Alright, Ada" He spoke.

"Hello John, where have you been?"

"A job for Tommy, I saw Arthur"

The two women raised their brows and exchanged glances.

"How's he looking?" Ada asked him.

"Shit, sounds like shit, and all that is coming out of his mouth is a load of shit, talking about regrets and school and fuck me, Tom needs to get him out of there, and fast"

"Speaking of Tommy, where is he?" To Ada's question, John shrugged.

"Right, well I'm staying the night at Poll's, so, I'll see you soon John, and Anna.." Ada glanced over Anna, and Anna nodded silently.

Anna [J.Shelby]Where stories live. Discover now