:Genius: Chapter Seventeen

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Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there was a prince who was told by all the lords and ladies that he would one day find his damsel in distress to save and then marry. The prince was a brave man but was worried that he wouldn't love her. His mother, the queen and a strong hearted woman saw the Prince's worry and talked to her son.

One day, you will find a woman that is beautiful and worthy of you. You can save a thousand damsels' in distress and each of them will be beautiful. The only one that will be worthy of you, is the one that can save you too.”

-Extract from Ocyne Liyla's Emily's Sister.

When I woke up the next day it was Sunday, I was instantly aware of a new weight on the bottom of my legs. I sat up, grabbing my phone off of the bed side table and looked at the time. It was still early. Harred had apparently stopped the night, and he was curled up like a feline on top of my legs. I sighed, taking a picture and giggling to myself about how childish he looked.

Then my insides turned cold and I froze. He knew my secret. If he told anyone, even Anton, the word would get out and no one would buy my books any more. I would just be some immature kid that isn't even old enough to go to college. I pulled my legs out from under Harred as carefully I as I could, glancing over to the other beds. I was surprised to see that Asha had turned over to her side facing my bed. She usually slept free faller or facing Jean, I raised my eyebrow, glancing at Harred once more before I finally walked over to my closet.

I couldn't help but trace the pattern as I searched for something to wear. I grabbed the first piece of clothing I could, and pulled it on. I guess I would be wearing a navy blue play suit. I put my phone and door key in my pocket and went to skin a genius.

Mack was sitting in the teacher's lounge drinking a cup of hot chocolate by himself. He was hunched over a laptop, highlighting a couple of words and taking out some other words it looked as if he was editing the chapters I've done of Sin Paradise Two.

“Linen!” I shouted, as soon as I was sure no one was in hearing range. He smirked, sipping on his hot chocolate and picked up another paper cup.

“Tea?” He asked, holding the cup out to me. I took it, glaring at him, and took a sip. It was his specially made tea, and it was gorgeous. I sighed, he always put herbs in it that had a natural calming release. It hardly ever worked on me.

“You told Harred?” He tutted.

“That boy wasn't supposed to mention me.” He shook his head.

“He didn't need to. Linen, you even told him what to say to make it sound like he figured it out himself.”

“But it sounded convincing, right?”

“It sounded convincing. It didn't look it. His posture was way too arrogant.” Linen shook his head.

“Teenagers.” I took another sip from my tea, trying to read if he was secretly angry, annoyed, all he looked was amused.

“Linen, I spent this whole time keeping my secret, now you go spill it, without even warning me?” I asked, grinding my teeth. He finally looked up from his laptop.

“Sea, you wouldn't have agreed to tell anyone if I'd discussed it with you. I thought Harred was a good choice for you.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Why would you assume that?” I snapped, turning him away. He snorted, and I heard him place the cup down, now half empty.

“I never assume anything, Sea. I chose who to tell through reaction, closeness to you, persuasion and influence. It was between him and Asha, but then I saw how Anton reacted to the way Harred dismissed him. Asha isn't close enough to your biggest threat to stop him from finding out the truth.” I crossed my arms, sitting down next to him and refusing to meet him eyes. I positioned my body away from him and crossed my legs too, showing him I wasn't happy with his decision.

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