:Genius: Chapter Twenty Two

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Ocyne Liyla's blog

11:06:2011 23:59:46

Hello again! This was pretty quick for an update, less than a week- barely! I have exciting news that I couldn't wait for the morrow to tell! I've finished my sequel to Sin Paradise! It'll take a few months for my publisher to get the copies done, to edit them, to get the cover done, so forth and so on, but I'll not be making any changes to it! So you've got something to look forward to!



It was third lesson. That would be a good thing, since it was English and Mack had decided to lay off me for the day.

It was probably because I had a face of a post-pregnant she-wolf. Basically, I was about to jump over the table and claim my man. Anton, who wasn't technically my man, but still made me jealous beyond what I'd care to believe had dropped the protective front.

It was positively the worst and best feeling in the world. I guess accepting the fact I liked Anton just meant I was more open with the baggage one gains when they can't have something they want.

And boy, did I want him.

Since yesterday, and the song Anton sang, he and Natalie had been closer than ever. He was the reason that she had shown up yesterday, the twenty minutes he was gone she had called him, crying about how she and Charles had broken up and he invited her out. They were flirting wildly, it looked like the first time I had English here, all over again.

When the bell went I stormed through the room, grabbing my bags, just when I was about to exit, Mack called me back.

“Jane, I'll need you to stay behind a minute, about the homework.” I felt Harred and Anton's eyes on me as. Anton stared at Mack with obvious distrust, he made a move to stay by my side as everyone emptied, but quickly Natalie glanced at me, whispered something in his ear that made him stiffen a smirk crossing his face as he let her lead him out of the door without a backwards glance. My fists ached to clench at the words I imagined her saying to him. The libidinous acts she would do to have him glance twice at her.

“When I said little Ocyne Liyla's in love, with the whole K-I-S-S-I-N-G, did you think I was joking?” Mack asked, making me turn and face my glare at him. He raised his eyebrow at me, tempting my to disprove him. Of course I couldn't, Mack was Mack, after all.

“You're always joking.” I pointed out, but we both knew I was avoiding the topic of the question. Anton.

“Jealousy isn't becoming, you know.” I rolled my eyes at him, he didn't bring me here to taught me.

“What do you want, Mack?” He pulled a face, knowing my tone implied that I would walk out if he didn't tell me what he wanted.

“Just wondering about Anton. He's a tricky little fellow, and now he believes I want to kill you, did you see that glare? I'm scared he's going to poison me to keep his precise Janey safe.” I strained not to roll my eyes again.

“Okay, I know you see that he's with Natalie, and he likes it that way. I mean, did you see the way he smirked when she suggested something in his ear?! Her body language wasn't saying she was suggesting a light stroll” I found myself glaring at their desk..

“Did you see the way he bristled?”

“Guys do that when they're thinking of something sexual.”

“Not that kind of bristle.” I shrugged. I knew I was right, when it came to Anton I could see more than Mack, he didn't know him. He didn't know how he waited for everyone to sit down at the dinner table to eat, how he had to have a hot drink in the morning and a cold drink at night, how he blinked three times when he was lying or more especially, how he made the best spaghetti bolognese I've tasted in my whole life. Just thinking about the night we shared a meal threatened the blood to rush to my cheeks.

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