:Genius: Chapter Twenty Six

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When I woke up, I was dazed and feeling better than I had all week. Before you ask, it was definitely not because of the previous night with a certain boy from my school. My eyes widened as I looked around, wondering exactly when Anton left last night, since I had the distinct memory of falling asleep in his arms. There was no note I could see, only a small chocolate coin balance on its edge. Sitting up and stretching (a pained task with all my bruises), I took the coin in my hands. It was from Anton, I noted, unwrapping the foil and taking a bite from the chocolate centre. I just couldn't understand why he'd choose that instead of a note.

Maybe I would just never understand Anton.

I was almost about to fall back to sleep when footsteps came towards my room. There was two of them, an I recognised them immediately. Lucy was outside of the door with a doctor and a wide grin on her face.

Five minutes later she told me I was allowed to leave the hospital's care. I was told how long I would need to wear the cast on my arm, how to change the bandages on my legs from the deep gash I gained when the Camaro went top side, and to take care of myself. The last part was given with the side order of a motherly scowl, as if I'd go out of my way to get into another car crash.

As I left the nurses on the ward waved me goodbye, the same motherly scowls and warning not to return on their lips. I hadn't been seriously injured since coming to Eureka, Lily wasn't here to back up my stupid plans, so I had no idea where they got the idea I was a frequent visitor to hospitals.

Sitting in the car, with Jean and Lucy was probably the closest to feeling at home that I've felt since I lost my parents. It was stupid, because I'd really only spent my Sundays and a few call ins with Lucy, and I wasn't exactly Jean's most trusted (though I could see that she was really trying to trust me) friend, but there's something about moving away from something bad in your life that leaves you raw to the feeling of comfort.

It's like waking up with the same, unexplainable feeling everyday and one day you wake up and realise you've been happy for a long time.

“So... looking forward to getting home, Jane?”

“Yeah, I am.”

Okay, so I had meant that statement to be one of those deep comments where everyone looks away and sighs because I had just been thinking about how the school had finally been recognised in my mind as a home, but as always, my deep moment was cut off by Jean's incessant giggles.

“mmhhmm” She giggled, in that way that tells you they are silently mocking you for your answer because they know something you don't know they know.

Which meant how the hell did she find out about Anton staying the night?

“What's the 'mmhhmm' for?” I asked, oblivious as ever.

“Nothing, nothing.” She looked forward, with her head tilted just a little to high to be casual. “It's just that Anton has been practising for the Gifted Champions by day, and going to the hospital at night” she glanced at me from the corner of her eye, obviously.

“That is weird of him.”

“It is, isn't it? I wonder how he got in, I wonder who he was visiting?”

“Well, why didn't you ask him when he told you he was going to the hospital?” I asked, rolling my eyes at her.

“Oh, no one was supposed to know, Harred caught him sneaking out, he told us.” I raised my eyebrow, because I knew Anton, and if he wanted no one to know they wouldn't have known.

Which meant Mack was the one to tell Harred about it, who relayed it to Asha who gossiped to Jean.

“Well, maybe he distant cousin who lives in Eureka.”

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