Well I hate him... but hes right - Klance

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I don't know why but this one will also be kinda short so my apologizes.

(Lance's P.O.V)

I glared down at my space goop. I still didn't truly know what it was. As I was staring down at it, Lotor appeared next to me and sat down in the chair. "Morning Lotion", I greeted. "My name is Lotor...", he hissed in annoyance. "Yeah sure whatever", I responded. I didn't really care anyways. To tired to care anyways. After a small silence I heard Lotor clear his throat next to me. "Lance I hope this is not to forward of me to say but you are extremely gorgeous", Lotor said. I almost choked on my space goop. "What the fuck", I wheezed. I looked at Lotor who was staring at me intently. Suddenly I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned around to see Keith. "What happened? I heard Lance choking from down the hall", he yawned out. "Lotor just called me gorgeous", I gasped out. "Well hes right. You are super cute", Keith responded. I felt my cheeks flush. What the hell was going on this morning. "I am going back to my room", I hissed. Before anyone else could say anything I was already bolting down the hall. My face already like a wild fire.

(Keith's P.O.V)

I turned to look at Lotor who was glaring at me. "I hate you... but you are right. Lance is gorgeous and cute", I spat at him. "I hate you too... but I already knew that way before you", Lotor hissed at me. My glare intensified. "Yeah well hes already mine", I hissed back. I then flipped my mullet and walked over to Lance's room. I turned back only to see Lotor eating his space goop with an angry look on his face. I smirked. 

(Lance's P.O.V)

I heard a small knock on my door. "Who is it?!", I called. "Its Keith", I heard Keith reply. I instantly felt my face heat up. Of course it had to be the mullet man. I got up from my bed and ran over to the door. I opened it only to see Keith looking at me with something in his eyes I couldn't tell. "Whats up-", his lips were suddenly on mine. I gasped, but kissed back. I mean I did harbor some gay feelings for the other man. When we pulled apart the first thing he said was, "Be my boyfriend". 

Okay not as short as I thought but still pretty short. 

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