Stars on the ceiling - Klance, by the way this is really short

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(Third Person P.O.V)

Lance stared up at Keith's ceiling. Him and Keith, who is now his boyfriend, are having a sleep over. They just decided to since Lance had a small nightmare and he needed Keith to make him feel a little safer. As Lance stared up at the ceiling he started to think about many things. Mostly his family since he went off to college. And this college was very far away, which made Lance very homesick and sad. Suddenly Lance felt an arm snake around his waist. Lance yelped in surprise, but soon snuggled into the arm once he knew that it was Keith. "Sorry... did I wake you up?", Lance whispered. "No, I woke up on my own so I could just snuggle with you", Keith responded quietly. Lance chuckled. "You know Mullet, I really like your ceiling", Lance whispered, his voice slurred since his sleep is now catching up to him. "Oh yeah why?", Keith asked. "Because... it has stars", Lance responded. Lance then closed his eyes as sleep overtook him. Keith pulled himself up and kissed Lance's forehead. "I'll keep that in mind Lance", Keith whispered before letting sleep overtake him too.

HELLO! Anyways I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I am sorry if it sucked its just that I am still having some writers block. Also this is kinda random but today I tried a face mask and I scared myself because it surprised me that I looked so scary. Alright chow~

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