Be my valentine? - Klance

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(Third Person P.O.V)

Lance flew around the new couple with a smile plastered on his face. He did his job again and he was proud of it. The couple was Shiro and Allura, two high school sweet hearts who are terrible at expressing there emotions for each other. Well Lance fixed that. Lance then flew off, in search of another soon-to-be-couple. His eyes landed on a boy who was waving to a girl shyly. 'Aw, cute! I ship it already', Lance thought. He then zipped down and perched his hands on the boys shoulders. Of course the boy didn't notice at all since it was Lance, or Cupid, or Eros, whoever you want to call him. "Hi! I-Im Hunk", Hunk said, his cheeks getting red when he stuttered his name. The girl smiled at him. "Hello Hunk! Im Shay", she girl responded while moving some hair out of her face. "Tell her you want some flowers dude! Strike up a conversation!", Lance whispered in Hunk's ear. "I would like some flowers, please", Hunk said. Lance saw that Shay instantly deflated a little bit, but she was good at not showing it. Lance bit his lip. What was she thinking. 'Aw man he probably already has a girlfriend', Shay thought. Lance groaned. Of course Shay thinks this. "Tell her its for your mother. Its her birthday", Lance whispered in Hunks ear again. "Its for my mother! Its her birthday today and she really loves flowers", Hunk repeated. Shay smiled up, hope sparkling in her eyes. Soon Hunk had stayed a lot longer with Shay. And Shay loved it. Lance smiled. He then pulled out his bow and arrows. He knows its time to hit them with his love arrows. Lance pulled the bowstring and let the arrow soar. First it hit Hunk, the smells of cookies and vanilla ingulfed Lances nose. Then another arrow was fired at Shay. The smell of lavender and honey was then smelled. Lance smiled and with that he flew off to look for more couples to pair.

As Lance flew around the city, he didn't notice a man following him around. This man was named Keith, and he was the only person who could even see Lance at all. Keith has seen him many times. Making people fall in love, giving people love advice by whispering in there ears and so on. But Keith felt love for the one that makes love possible. Keith doesn't know why he feels love for this person, but he just does. Maybe one thing was that he once saw sadness in Lances eyes when some people find love. When Keith saw that he wanted to make the god or whatever he was happy again. Keith grumbled as Lance flew faster through the city. Good thing Keith was actually good at running. Keith saw Lance fly around the corner and so did he. While he was running Keith's eyes fell onto a butterfly net shop. Keith stopped, and without really thinking, he walked into the shop.

Lance groaned as he watched a couple he was trying to get together fail miserably. I mean dude just get ask this man for his phone number. Lance then decided to take charge of the whole ordeal. "Ask if he would like to go for a nice cup of coffee", Lance whispered into the mans ear, who was named Coran. "Would you like to go for a cup of coffee?", Coran asked. The man in front of him nodded happily. Lance then pulled his arrows out again and shot them at the new couple. The cute couple then stalked off into the direction of a near by coffee joint. Lance smiled at them, but it was then replaced with a sad frown. Sure he could make people fall in love, but he couldn't. Ever since Lance could remember, he has never felt love. Sure he was amazing at making other people fall in love, but he could never do it for himself. There was always just an empty hole in his heart. Which made if more hard for him to cope with. Suddenly Lance was pulled out of his thoughts by a giant butterfly net coming over him. 

Lance whipped his head around to see a man holding the net. Lance watched as the violet eyes stared into his blue ones. "Be my valentine?", the man asked. Lance furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but then his cheeks turned into the colors of peaches. Lance saw the love in the mans eyes, and it made Lance feel something hes never felt before. Love. "First get this net off me, tell me your name, then we can talk", Lance replied. The man nodded and pulled the net away. Lance then walked over and pushed the man into a near by alley way. "Why did you do that?!?", the man asked in confusion. "You are the only person that can see me, it looks strange to other people that a man is holding a net big enough to catch an elephant over thin air", Lance responded. The man nodded his mullet bouncing along with his head. "Name?", Lance asked. "Keith, Keith Kogane", Keith responded. "Lance, or cupid or whatever you really want to call me. And yes I would love to be your valentine even though we just met".

What did I just write?

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