War - part 2 Klance

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(Keith P.O.V)

I was shaken awake by Lance. "Keith, the Galra are making a move! We need to get ready. Commander Shiro is already calling for you!", Lance rushed out. I nodded and hopped out of the bed. Me and Lance then started to put on our armor. Once I was finished I ran out of the tent and towards Shiro's. "Keith! Its so good to see you but I can't say that the conditions are in my favor", Shiro said with a solemn look. I nodded. "Either way, I want you to gather a strong patch of soldiers for the front line and I will do it for the back", Shiro said as he then handed me a giant list of the soldiers names. "Go and gather them Keith, it is estimated that the Galra are only an hour away", Shiro said. I nodded and ran back out of the tent to do my job.

(Lance's P.O.V)

I sat next to my good friend Hunk in silence. "So, do you think we will all die today?", I asked him. He shrugged. "I don't think we will, hopefully not", Hunk replied as he pulled out his new weapon he made. "Whats that supposed to be?", I asked him. "I call it a canon, but its more move able and easier to carry", Hunk said. Suddenly I saw Keith zoom out of Shiro's tent, along with Shiro who was following close behind. I watched as Keith ran over to Pidge and Alluras tent. I then turned back to see Shiro running towards us. "Whats up commander", I said once he was in front of us. "I need you guys to get all your weapons ready", Shiro panted out. "Don't worry, we already got it all set out", Hunk said as he showed off his canon. "Great, and Lance, bring all you got to this fight", Shiro said. I smirked. "Of course".


(Third Person P.O.V)

"LISTEN EVERYONE! THE GALRA ARE IN SIGHT!", Shiro yelled out. "NOW WE WILL CHARGE ON THREE!", Coran, who was second commander yelled.




Soon all the soldiers charged as they ran down the mountain. The Galra then copied the action, there swords and bow and arrows raised in battle position. The first one to go down was a soldier on the Galra, who was slain by none other then Keith. His violet eyes where etched with emotions. Mostly ones of anger and a little bit of fear. Keith slashed at all the Galra soldiers, while Allura and Pidge helped him as well. They where the top three in the sword department, and it was scary to watch them kill two people at a time with only a single sword or dagger. "Hey Lance", Hunk said as he shot down another soldier. "Yeah?", Lance asked as he sniped someone. "Are you looking at Keith's ass while killing soldiers?", Hunk asked. "Yep", Lance responded. 

(Lotor's P.O.V)

I growled as I watched my useless soldiers die. "Maybe we should use our new weapon", Haggar suggested. I glared at her, but still nodded my head. She did a sly smile at me, which only made me hiss at her. "SOLDIERS! FIRE UP THE SPECIAL WEAPON", Haggar yelled. "AND AIM IT AT THAT HILL WITH THAT STUPID SHARPSHOOTER", she added. The soldiers nodded and ran off to the secret weapon, which was a kind of laser that could cut through steel.

I know this is short, but there are actually going to be at least maybe two more parts to this... either way how is everyone liking it so far. I am kinda in a writers block. Chippy~

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