The Cute Art Kid - Klance

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(Third Person P.O.V)

Keith knew there was going to be some trouble when he joined the art class. Not because he was bad at art. No, there was going to be some trouble because Lance Mcclain was in this class. Now Keith didn't dislike Lance. It was more like he liked the other boy to much. Keith didn't know when his whole crush began, but all he did know was that his heart would skip multiple beats when Lance was around. And that wasn't good in Keith's case.

~Time skip~

Keith silently stared at Lance from the back of the art class. Lance always sat in the front, which Keith made a mental note about. "You are just undressing him with your eyes you know", Pidge whispered into Keith's ear. "Shut up... I am not", Keith hissed. Pidge just smirked but went back to her drawing, which was a forest. Keith glared at Pidge for a little while longer until he turned back to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. "Today I want everyone to pair up in a group of two. Both of you will be making an art piece that conveys an emotion that you feel very strongly. It will be due next Friday", the teacher, Ms.Allura, explained. Keith groaned quietly. He hated group projects. But at least they got to chose who they would be paired up with. He turned to Pidge, but she was already across the room talking to Romelle. Keith sighed. Now who would he pair up with? "Um... hey! You want to pair up together?", Keith suddenly heard a voice from behind him ask. He whipped around and violet eyes meet blue. It was Lance. Lance Mcclain. Keith almost forgot how to breath. "Oh yeah sure... want to meet at my house?", Keith rushed out quickly. Lance's face lit up. "Sure! Here's my phone number so you can text me your address. See you soon!", Lance chirped. Keith blushed when Lance grabbed his arm and wrote down his phone number. Lance then smiled at Keith and ran out of the classroom. "LANCE! CLASS IS NOT OVER-", Ms.Allura was cut off by the bell ringing. Keith jumped out of his seat and ran out of the classroom as well. Tonight was going to be rough. 

~Time skip again~

Keith had already texted Lance his address. And now Keith was trying not to panic since he would be all alone with his crush. Keith was pulled out of his thoughts by a small knocking sound at his door. Keith felt his heart go a little faster. He got up from his couch and yanked open the door. "Hey Lance", Keith greeted, letting Lance into his house. "Hey Keith", Lance responded with his signature smile. Keith didn't know what else to do so he somewhat dragged Lance to his room so they could start the project. But Keith couldn't focus. He was always just looking at Lance's face. Sneaking peaks when Lance was deep in focus. "I know you are looking at me", Lance said, pulling Keith out of his deep stare at Lance. Keith blushed. "Im sorry", Keith whispered looking away and back at his idea's that he wrote down on a paper. "... I am okay with you looking at me", Keith heard Lance whisper. Keith looked back up at Lance. And Lance's face was as red as Keith's. Lance then turned back to Keith who was staring at him. Lance then leaned in a little, his lips oh so very close to Keith's. "Listen... if you don't want to kis-", Lance was not able to finish his sentence. Keith's lips were already on his.

~Time skip~

"Wow... your art is absolutely gorgeous Lance and Keith", Ms.Allura said when they turned it in. It was a picture of someone drowning in what seemed to be different shades of pink. "But I just have to ask... why is the man drowning? And what is all the pink for?", Ms.Allura asked. Keith and Lance smiled. "We don't know", they both answered at the same time. She shrugged and put it on her desk. But little did she know what the art meant to the two boys. The true reason behind the drawing was that people will fall in love. And it can feel like you are drowning. But there will always be someone to save you. Since they love you... and you love them. 

I am tired and I tried... but I kinda like this one

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