Diner Love - Klance

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(Keith's P.O.V)

I walked into the diner. My sketch book in my hand and my signature hoodie wrapped around me. "Hey Allura, can I have my usual seat?", I asked Allura who worked here. "Yep sure", Allura said. I didn't need her to show me since I already knew. As I walked over there I noticed a new worker. He had nice coffee like skin and had skinny eyes that reminded me of blue broken rocks. Once I sat down all I could so was stare at the boy. The last person that worked here was called Lotor, and he was ugly as hell. But this guy was cute to me. The way he titled his head in confusion when he was trying to make coffee. And how he would smirk at people for no reason. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the man came walking over towards me. "Hello! What can I get you today?", the man asked me. "Oh can I have a coffee with some pancakes", I replied. He nodded, and while he was walking I totally was not checking out his butt. When he came back with my coffee I decided to try and make conversation. "So, um, whats your name?", I asked him. "My names Lance", he responded. "My names Keith", I said. He nodded and he then went back to work. He then came over and gave me my pancakes. I grabbed my spoon, only to notice a small note written on my napkin. How did I not notice this before? I leaned closer to the napkin to see that there was a number written there. I then looked back up to see Lance standing there, some worry written on his face. "Call me Keith... you know if you want to!", he exclaimed. I laughed. "Of course I will".

Sorry if this is short! I am thinking about what to write next after this. Also I am kind having writers block so yeah! Chow~

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