The dress - Klance because what else is new

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(Lance's P.O.V)

I laughed as I read the comment on my last youtube video. Anonymous said:Can I request some boyfriend pics? But with Lance in a dress". I turned off my phone, still laughing at what I just read. But the thought of doing this was still lingering in my head. What if I did do that? But of course do it in privacy. I smiled devilishly with a new thought coming into my head. I might just do this.

~Time skip~

(Keith's P.O.V)

I walked into mine and Lance's apartment. Today was a hard day for me at work so I hope that Lance will leave me alone for a little while. But I was soon meet with Lance... in a blue dress. I felt my face heat up as he strolled over to me, a smirk on his face. "Welcome home Keith!", he exclaimed, pulling me into a kiss. I kissed back, but I couldn't keep my eyes off the dress. Lance just laughed at me while I felt my face get hotter. "Well, I know this might be a weird thing to walk into when you get back from work honey, but lets have some fun in your bed~", Lance whispered in my ear. I nodded. And with that he grabbed my hand and pulled me into our shared room. 

And then we did the frickle frackle.

Hi! Sorry its been a little while I have been having major writers block and stuff. Anyways I wish anyone who celebrates Christmas a happy one! Also next chapter might be a Shklance one so watch out for it!

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