War - Klance

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(Keith's P.O.V)

I walked into the small tent that me and Lance shared. Lance was considered the most strongest marksmen in the whole army since he could use arrows that were laced with magic. Me on the other hand was the strongest in the sword department. "Where were you?", Lance asked once I walked in. "Talking to Shiro, we are planning on attacking Lotor's army in twenty hours", I responded as I sat down on my bed across from Lance. "Just say we are attacking Lotor tomorrow", Lance muttered. I glared at the boy, but soon my glare turned into a blush as he turned over. Lance always slept shirtless and it was always hard to keep my eyes away from him. "Turn of the light, we need to go to sleep or else we might probably die", Lance slurred. I nodded and blew out the lantern that dangled over us. I laid back into my bed, loving the way the cushions and the blankets felt. I closed my eyes and soon I was greeted with darkness.

~Dream time since I want to, also in third person and this is explaining how Keith developed feelings for Lance~

Keith was only 13 when he meet Lance. And they met when they where in training. Keith was brought to the army when he was only 6 since he was amazing at his practice. Which was with swords. When Keith met Lance it was under sad times. Lotor had wiped out half of the Altean army and they where making a move on the rest of the kingdom. Now when I meant that they met under sad times, I meant more like almost die times. They met when there camp was under attack by an army that was as big as a whole entire whale. Keith and the rest of the soldiers where fighting hard, but not hard enough as most of them where either dead or badly injured. Keith kept slashing and slashing, not noticing that Lance was climbing a hill with his bow and arrows. Suddenly Keith was slashed down. He fell to the ground with a loud gasp. The Galra soldier smirked down at him as he raised his sword. Keith tried to get up, but the pain on his chest kept him still. Keith closed his eyes, ready to be slain, but then there was a loud sound behind him. Everyone looked over to see Lance atop a hill. His bow and arrows set on the soldier in front of Keith. Keith watched with wide eyes as a giant figure of a blue lion appeared behind Lance. Lance smirked and let go of the arrow. A giant gust of wind followed the arrow, and so did the figure of the lion. "EVERYONE FALL BACK!", the commander of the Galra screamed. But it was to late. The arrow first plunged itself into the soldier in front of Keith. He didn't even have time to yell in pain as a blue lion jumped on top of him. Soon all of the Galra soldiers where dead. Keith watched as the blue lion became little lights and flew back to Lance who flew back at the force. Keith forced himself up, even though it was ever so painful. Keith forced himself up the hill and soon he found Lance on the ground, eyes closed. Keith then went full speed towards him, worry coursing through his veins. Once he got to Lance, Keith scooped him up into a hug. And that was when, then and there, Keith vowed to protect the boy who saved his life. And soon that vow turned into one of love.

Okay, did anyone like this? Cause if you didn't then I am sorry. Anyways next chapter will be a part two of this one. Also who drew the art and I feel like it is based off of something-Chippy

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