Little Kids Can Be Cruel - Klance/Langst

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(Keith's P.O.V)

8th grade: Today our teacher told us that we were getting a new student today. Of course everyone was wondering who it was. Some of the kids whispered that it was a kid from the slums. I heard a girl groan. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly all the chatter in the room was silent. I looked around in confusion, only to realize why. There standing in the front of the classroom was the new student. The first thing I saw was that his legs and arms were covered in band aids. I also noticed that his shirt look two sizes to big while his shoes were an ugly color of mud and what looked to be faded white. His eyes were cat like as they scanned the classroom. When his eyes fell on me I looked away, a pink tint on my face. "Everyone please say hello to Lance Mcclain! He will be joining us and I want you all to treat him kindly", our teacher, Ms.Altea said. Everyone said quiet hellos as Lance just waved at everyone. "Alright Lance, you can sit next to Hunk", Allura explained while pointing towards Hunk. All I knew about Hunk was that he was nice and every day he would bring some cookies with him to share with birds out in the yard. "Alright everyone, now lets begin our lesson!", Allura exclaimed. Instead I tuned her out and looked at Lance, because something about him was... refreshing.

At lunch people were talking about Lance. "I bet he lives in the slums!", I heard a girl whisper. "No he probably lives under a bridge", a boy teased making his group of friends laugh. I glared at them. I wasn't as rich as the other kids in this private school, but at least I knew that half of them were annoying as hell. As I walked through the lunch room I saw Lance and Hunk sitting near the back. Lance was smiling and so was Hunk and it seemed that they were getting along quite nicely. Before I knew what I was doing I walked over to them. "Oh hello", Lance greeted me as I got closer. Hunk turned his attention towards me and waved. "Mind if I sit with you guys?", I asked. "Yeah sure! By the way my name is Lance", Lance said, even though I already knew. I sat down next to Lance and soon me, Hunk, and Lance were talking. After lunch I waved good bye to them and started to head to my next class. "Can't imagine how that slum monkey smelled", I heard a voice behind me say. I whipped around to see the one and only ass hole named Lotor. He was known for being crazy rich, but he was also known for kinda being the king of the school. "Shut up Lotor, he's better then you at least", I spat at him. Lotor smirked at me. "Already have a crush?", Lotor asked. I blushed a little, but my glare hid it. "Well I don't care... either way after school I was going to show him how it is done around here when slum kids get into this school. If you wa-", Lotor didn't get to finish his sentence since my fist hit him square in the face. He fell to the ground with a giant wail. "YOU HIT ME!", he screamed, tears flowing down his face. I grabbed him by the shirt, and luckily there wasn't anyone in the hall, since the next thing I said was kinda embarrassing. "If you ever touch Lance, I will make sure you pay for it", I spat in his face. Lotor nodded weakly. I let him go and walked to my class as if nothing happened.

(Lance's P.O.V)

12th grade: I felt Lotors fist collide with my face. I fell back onto the dirt ground, my back digging into a rock. "This is what happens to slum shit", Lotor hissed at me as his fist went back to hitting my face. I bit my lip for what seemed like forever, and when he was done I got out of his grip and ran all the way back home. When I got there I realized that no one was home at the time. They where probably all working. I sighed in relief. That means I can do it. I ran up into my small room and dug into my bed. There I found the box. I ran into the bathroom and carefully moved the item down my wrist. The item was called a razor. 

(Keith's P.O.V)

Still 12th grade: I looked over at Lance. His face was so sad looking. "Hey Lance, you want to come to my house after school?", I asked. Lance looked over at me, his face instantly lit up when I asked this, which made my heart melt. "Yeah sure!", Lance exclaimed. The bell then rung and he ran out of class. I smiled at him as he left. 

~Time skip~

Its still 12th grade by the way: I smiled as I opened the door. There Lance stood with his signature smirk and jacket. "What up mullet!", Lance greeted me. He then walked in and ruffled my hair as he past. I felt my face heat up, but ignored it. But the next thing I saw I didn't. I don't really know how I saw it, but I saw a bunch of bandages under the sleeves of Lance's jacket. "So what do you-", I cut Lance off by grabbing his wrist and yanking down his sleeves. What I saw made my heart break. His arms were covered in cuts. Some even still had some traces of blood on them. I looked back up at Lance, who was now staring at the ground. "Why?", I asked. Lance didn't respond. I grabbed his face and turned it to look up at me. "Why Lance?", I asked again. This time tears welled up inside of Lance's eyes. "I felt useless okay! And dumb and I felt like slum shit... and all these other emotions that I don't care to name!", Lance spat at me, his face now covered in pain. I stared at him wide eyed. No one this beautiful deserved to go through this much pain. I pulled him into a hug. He tried to fight it, he even bit me, but I knew that there was something more important right now then a painful bit mark. "Lance you are the most beautiful, smart, and funny person I know. You aren't slum shit and whoever told you that I will make sure they bleed. Lance... I-I love you", I stuttered the last part. Lance stopped squirming in my arms and looked up at me. My face was red. I just realized what I said. Instead of Lance being grossed out or something, he grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. I of course kissed back and when we broke apart we just hugged it out. After that he told me who was calling him these names and beating him up. And lets just say that those people had broken bones the next day.

Okay hi sorry if this is late I have been sleeping a lot. Also hope you are enjoying my one shots. 

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