Pokemon! - Part two and this is still Klance though

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~A few days later~

(Allura's P.O.V)

I waited silently as the paladins pilled into Lance's room. "I don't get it... why did we have to meet in my room?", Lance asked. Keith nodded and pulled Lance into his lap. "I have a surprise for all of you, alright", I groaned out. "Will it help us defeat the galra?", Shiro asked. I glared at Shiro. "I decided to make you something that Lance showed me a few days ago", I said while smiling. "Is it something important? Because me and Hunk need to start baking cookies, and Allura you know how much I love cookies", Pidge said. I nodded. I then turned to Coran. "You can bring them out now", I said. Before anyone could respond or do anything Coran ran out of the room, and then bag inside with a tray of the things called Pokeballs. "Those are just plastic pokeballs", Lance said with a pout. I laughed at him. He glared at me and snuggled closer to Keith. "Lance, come up here and chose a pokeball", I said. He sighed and pulled himself out of Keith's lap. Lance looked up at me, then back at the tray that held the pokeballs. He sighed and closed his eyes. "Lance just chose one", Pidge barked. Lance then reached down and grabbed the one that I was hoping he would grab. "Alright, now what do I do?", he asked. "You throw it and the pokemon will come out", I said simply. He sighed again. He didn't seem very excited about this. "Alright, whatever pokemon you are I chose you!", Lance exclaimed as he flung the pokeball to the ground. Suddenly a burst of light came from the ground. I shut my eyes and so did the rest of the paladins. "Allura what the quiznak was that!?!?", Shiro asked. I opened my eyes and said, "That is Lance's pokemon!"

(Third Person P.O.V)

Soon everyone got there own pokemon. Pidge got a Rowlet. Hunk got a Pancham. Shiro got a Lucario. Lance got a Vaporeon. Keith got a Blaziken. Coran got a Klefki. And Allura got an Azumarill. And they where all happy with there Pokémon.
The end

Eww this was shitty. Anyways what do you shippers want the next chapter to be about. I am thinking maybe I should do a langst one or a shance one. Anyways chow! Chippy~

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