Mcclain Auto Repair Shop - Klance

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(Third Person P.O.V)

Lance sat at the counter reading a small book that he had found in the shop. It was old looking but it had a good plot and story so overall he was alright with it. It was called the Boy of the Ocean and it was some romance thing between two guys. As Lance was reading he heard a small chime of the bell on the door. He groaned, just when it was getting to the good part. As Lance walked out, he realized how hot it was outside. Well it was summer. "Hi. Welcome to Mccla-", Lance was saying, but then he saw the boy that was in front of him. The first thing Lance thought was that this kid was really good looking. The other thing he noticed was that he looked to be around Lance's age, 15. "Hey, can you fix my bike?", the boy asked once he noticed Lance standing there. Lance just stared at the other boy, fixated on his violet eyes. The boy titled his head a little. "Uh, are you listening to me...?", the boy asked. Lance blushed in embarrassment. "Oh yeah I am listening! Sorry the, uh, heat is getting to me", Lance rushed out quickly. The boy just nodded. He then turned back to his bike. It was red and it looked like the chain was snapped off of it. Lance walked over to the bike and bent down, examining the break. "It looks like your chain broke off, and you might need a knew one. Do you have the chain that broke?", Lance asked, turning his attention back to the boy he still didn't know the name of. He nodded a yes and handed to old looking chain to Lance. There hands brushed over each others and even though they would deny it later, they had both blushed. "This is pretty beat up.. you will need to by a new one", Lance said. He then handed back the chain to the boy. "By the way whats your name?", Lance asked. "Keith, Keith Kogane", Keith responded. Lance hummed in response. Suddenly there was a loud shout of Lance's name. Both of the boys whipped around to see Lances dad walking out of the garage. He waved over at the two and he then walked over to them. "Hey mijo, looks like you got a friend", Lances dad said. Lance nodded. "Yep, his name is Keith and he broke the chain to his bike", Lance explained to his dad. "Well, if you want I have some bike chains in a box in the workshop. I can go get them for you if you want Keith", Lances dad explained. "I would appreciate that", Keith responded. Soon after that Keith and Lance were hanging out inside the small office. "Hey Keith I have never seen you before. Are you new in town?", Lance asked. "Yeah, we just moved in a few days ago. My parents told me that I could ride around today and thats kinda how I ended up here since my chain broke", Keith said. Lance nodded. Keith then started to talk about where he lived before, but Lance could only focus on his happy he looked while he was talking about how he lived near to ocean with all his friends. Lance almost burst out laughing when Keith remembered that he left one of his video games at a friends house, and how Keith looked like he was about murder something. Even though Lance knew Keith for a little while, Lance was already happy with his presence. And that was the same for Keith. Keith liked it when Lance would join the conversation. How he would light up like a christmas tree when the topic went to cars. Keith enjoyed being next to Lance. "Hey I found a chain!", Lances dad suddenly yelled, holding the chain in his hands. Keith smiled at Lance as he pretended to cheer. His dad just glared at him. "Here you go", Lances dad said as he handed Keith the new bike chain. "Alright mijo, go help him put it on. I got to work on the car that Miss Allura gave me", Lances dad said. He then walked back into the repair shop, slamming the door behind him. "Alright pretty boy lets go!", Lance exclaimed. Keith blushed at that, but still followed Lance back outside towards his bike. Lance already had what he needed and started to work. While he was working he didn't notice Keith pull out a small piece of paper and a pen that he kept in his shorts pockets. Once Lance was done, he turned back to Keith. "There you go! Your bike is now good as new", Lance said. Keith smiled at him. "Thanks Lance", Keith replied. Keith then went over and hopped onto his bike. "Well I'll see you later", Lance said, a little sad that he was leaving. Keith nodded, but turned to him. "Here, if you ever want to hang out with me", Keith said, a light blush on his face. Lance looked down at his hand to see a folded piece of paper. Lance took it, also a light blush on his face, and turned back to Keith. "Of course I would want to hang out with you", Lance said. Keith smiled at Lance, waved good bye, and started to pedal down the street. "YES QUEEN GET THAT BOYS PHONE NUMBER!", Lance heard his dad scream. Lance whipped around, a now giant blush on his face, and glared at his dad who was doing the thumbs up and making kissy faces. But Lance knew that inside, he did want to kiss Keith. And Keith wanted to do the same. 

I DID IT! Okay first of all I am sorry I kinda didn't update in a while. I have just been doing many things in my life and I didn't have a lot of time to write. Also I don't know if I should be sorry about this, but, I am sorry that there isn't a lot of Shklance or Shance or even Langst. I think I am just wanting to write a lot of Klance since its cuter. Anyways thats it! Chow~

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