Klance because i love that gay stuff

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(Lance's P.O.V)

"Oh my quiznak", I said as me and Keith walked out of the store we where just previously shopping in. "What is it babe?", Keith asked looked at me. I turned back to him. "Look over there!", I exclaimed. I then grabbed his face and turned it over to look at where I saw them. "Do you see them?", I asked him. Keith grabbed my hands gently and placed them at my side. "I have no idea what you are talking about Lance", Keith said. "Dude its Jeremy Shada and Steven Yeun, there voice actors on my favorite show!", I exclaimed. Keith stared at me blankly, but before I knew it I was being dragged back to the car by Keith. "Come on Keith! Just let me go meet them! Please?!", I begged as Keith dragged me back to the car. "No", was Keith's answer. I pouted, but said no more as he carried me back to the car.

~Time skip~

(Keith's P.O.V)

Lance was still pouting once we got back to our apartment. "I'm sorry", I said glumly. Lance just looked over at me and glared slightly. I sighed and sat next to him on the couch. "Why did you have to drag me away from them... I could have gotten there autograph!", Lance exclaimed, falling onto my lap and resting his head there. I blushed, but looked away from Lance. "Because...", I said. "Because?", Lance questioned. "Because I was maybe just a little jealous...", I whispered out. I looked back at Lance and I saw a deep shade of red on his face which made me blush also in response. "Oh my quiznak that is the most adorable reason to drag me away from a famous person", Lance said. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I then leaned down to kiss him, and when he kissed back I swooned on the inside because I was able to get Lance in my life.

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