The Circus - Klance

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By the way this starts off when Keith is at six and it takes place in the 1920's since I want it to be in that time, so enjoy!

(Third Person P.O.V)

Keith held his fathers and mothers hand as they walked into the circus tent. It was drizzling lightly. "Are you excited?", Keith's fathers asked. Keith nodded his head. He loved the circus, and since it only came at least once a year there was no way that he would miss it. Once they where inside Keith let go of his fathers hand and ran over to the candy booth. Soon his father and mother walked up behind him. "I think Keith wants some cotton candy", his mother said. "YES!", Keith exclaimed rather loudly which made some people passing by smile at the child. "Sh!", his mother whispered to him. Keith just giggled up at his mother, who smiled down at him. "One cotton candy please", she said to the man working there. He nodded and got back to work on it. "So, what is it that you are excited to see?", his father asked. "The knife thrower!", Keith exclaimed. His father rolled his eyes. "You and your damn knife obsession", he muttered under his breath. "Oh miss your cotton candy", the man behind the counter said. Instead of her grabbing it, Keith jumped up and snatched it out of his hand. "Kieth! Manners", his mother snapped. "Thank you mister", Keith rushed out. The man smiled at him. "Your lucky miss he has those eyes or else I would be cross", the man joked. She just smiled at him, thanked him for the cotton candy, grabbed her husband and son, and started walking away to the tent. Soon they where sat on the benches that where in the tent. Keith was practically bouncing in his seat while his father was stealing some cotton candy bits when his son wasn't noticing. Suddenly the lights went out and in the center of the stage a boy around Keith's age started descending down onto stage. But what surprised Keith the most was that the boy was coming down from the ceiling and he was being held up by what looked to be a thick ribbon. Keith watched in awe as the boy spun round and round in the air. When he finally reached the ground he untangled himself gracefully from the ribbon and fell onto the ground like a cat. On his feet. The boy waved at the crowd as they cheered. Keith was in awe and he wasn't able to clap. The boy then disappeared from the stage. Keith turned to his father. "I have a knew favorite act".

~Time skip to after the show~

"Alright wait here with your mother Keith... I just forgot our umbrella inside", Keith's father said when they where just a few feet away from the exit of the tent. Keith nodded and his father ran back inside the tent. Keith looked up at his mother who was looking outside the small exit. Keith sighed, his mother was probably tired. Keith then turned back, only to see the boy who was in the sky standing there. Keith jumped back and bumped into a small wooden pole behind him. "I don't bite", the boy said. He then stuck out his hand, as if he wanted to shake Keith's hand. "My name is Lance", Lance said. Keith just stared at him. Keith looked back up to his mother, who was smiling down at them. Keith then turned his attention back to Lance. Lance huffed when Keith didn't say anything. So he grabbed Keith's hand and placed it on his. Lance then grabbed it and shook it. "Nice to meet you...?", Lance questioned. "Keith", Keith breathed out. Lance nodded. "Well I hope to see you again next year", Lance said quickly. Before Keith could say anything else to the boy he ran off back into the tent. "Wow... that was the amazing boy who opened up the circus", Keith's mother breathed out as she and him watched him leave. Keith nodded. "FOUND THE UMBRELLA!", Keith's father yelled out after a small while. "Good job honey, now if only you can find shoes that match", his mother joked, pointing at his miss and matched shoes. Keith's father blushed. "Well lets go home, I am sure you are tired Keith", his father said. Keith nodded and soon they where driving home.

(Third Person P.O.V)

Soon, every single year since that day, Keith would go to the circus just to meet up with Lance. At first it was just because the boy seemed intriguing, but soon it turned into something more. And when the two finally turned 18 they realized what that emotion was. For Lance he knew that he felt something for the boy he meet at his families circus, but he ignored it most of the time. And for Keith he realized it as he blushed more often when Lance would laugh, or when he would get a strange feeling in his stomach. But the most time he realized it was when they both kissed each other in the cover of night fall when Lance visited the town once again for a circus performance. When they broke apart they knew the name of the feeling they feel when they are around each other. 


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