I'm Not A Morning Purrson - Klance

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(Lance's P.O.V)

I laid on my bed playing with my cat. He was meowing and purring and I smiled at him. He was so cute! Almost as cute as Keith. Suddenly I heard a small creak of the door. I turned over to see Keith standing there. "What happened to you?", I teased once I saw Keith. His eyes looked like dead fish eyes. Under his eyes were big dark spots that could only mean that he was up late last night again. "Nothing... just working on a project", Keith yawned out to me. He then fell onto the couch next to me. I scooted over to make room for him. My cat was still on my lap and snuggled against my chest. I looked down and smiled at her. When I looked back up I saw Keith struggling to stay awake. "Here, hold Allura, I'll go make you some coffee", I said, handing Keith the cat. He grabbed her and I then got off the couch and went into the kitchen to make Keith his coffee. 

(Keith's P.O.V)

When Lance came back he was now holding a cup of warm coffee. I smiled at him and we both handed each other the thing we were holding. He then sat down next to me. I looked down at the cup of coffee only to see that there was some writing on it. "I'm not a morning Purrson?", I read aloud. I looked over at Lance who was nodded while smiling. "Yep, since you are always so tired in the morning", Lance explained to me. I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. He leaned in to kiss me too. When our lips touched I smiled. I'm happy I was able to get Lance as my boyfriend. But my happy thoughts were cut short since Allura, the cat, decided to scratch me right as I pulled away from Lance. The rest of the morning was filled with Lance trying to catch Allura and me in the bathroom cleaning my scratch markings that where now on my face. 

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