Chapter 10

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Masons POV: 

"Mo-move in with you?" I stutter. 

"Yes baby, move in with me. We spend everyday together anyway, and I don't like being away from you. You don't have much, and it'll be cheaper for the both of us to live together." He smiles at me and I look to the floor thinking it over. "You don't have to." He says quietly, and I look up to see him looking at his plate of pizza.

"What?" I ask, he never looks away from my eyes. 

"If you don't want to, you don't have to. I was just wondering." He says gently

"I want to." I say boldly. Because I do. He has a point, we spend every moment we can with each other, and I love it. I was actually thinking about asking him, but I'd be to nervous about him saying no. 

"Really?" He says, meeting my eyes again. He smiles so brightly, and I will never get tired of seeing that smile. I nod and jump into his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"Whoa, excited baby?" He chuckled. 

"Sorry." I mumble pulling away, but he stops me by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh no you don't" He tackles me to the couch. 

"Don't tickle me. Don't you dare." I say, with all seriousness.

"What are you gonna do." He jokingly challengers. 

"Scream bloody murder until the cops show up." I say with a straight face, meaning it completely. 

"Soundproof walls." He smiles, looking so proud. 

"You've never heard me scream." I smile, thinking I won, until he said... 

"I will one day." He says seductively. I blush madly and look away from his eyes, covering mine with my hair. 

He laughs and kisses my cheek before getting up. 

"Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up. 

"We are going down stairs to your apartment to get your stuff." He says taking my arm and walking out the door before I can say anything. 

We go to the office and ask for boxes so we can carry my stuff with ease. Once we have them, we go down to the forth floor and pack up my small amount of stuff. Me blushing fiercly when he packs all of my shorts... 

We take all of my stuff to his place and then go and sell my apartment back to the landlord. Who had a daughter who thought the fact that we lived in the same apartment building and ended up dating was adorable. 

Once we got back to his...  our apartment, I decided to call Lucy and tell her.

"Warning, calling the Banshee." I say to him as we sit on the couch. 

"Okay, want me to stay?" He laughs. 

"Yeah." I say, typing in the number, and she answers quickly.

"Hey lil' bro. What's up?" She says, mouth full. 

"I just moved in with Stephan." I say, being completly blunt. I hear her spit her food out. Gross. 

"What?!" She shouts. "I havn't even met him yet!" 

"And...?" I ask. 

"What apartment is he in?" She asks. 

"Uh, floor 6, room 17." I say confused. 

"I'll be there noon tomorrow." She says and then she hangs up. 

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