"Always and forever"

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Louis' POV

I wake up feeling fucking awful and with the worse hangover I've ever experienced but the smell of breakfast cooking drags me from my bed. It's not like Harry to be nice to me even after I've had an episode. He really is someone in my life that I wouldn't be able to live without, I get up and pull on some joggers and head downstairs.

I didn't know he could even cook but the food smells amazing as I walk into the kitchen I call out to him "Hazza you better not be making a fucking mess you-" as I enter the kitchen I stop dead in my tracks.

"Baby?" I barely whisper at the sight of Ella serving up breakfast.

"Coffee is on the table. Sit" she doesn't look round at me but carries on plating up the food.

I take my seat as told because right now I'm not in the position to challenge her. I take the hot coffee and take a sip as she put the plate full of food in front of me.

"I used your card to order a new bed and mattress this morning. I paid extra to get it delivered today" she sits down in front of me and starts tucking into her food, I do the same.

"Where did you sleep?" I ask.

"In the spare room, I couldn't bare sleeping in that bed. I can't really bare being in this house knowing what she nearly did to us, Harry dropped me off " she confirms.

"Harry?" I frown. Trying not to sound too jealous at the fact they were together last night even though I know nothing would of happened.

"Yes. I met up with him. I wanted to speak about what happened. Also I went and saw Leah" she briefly looks up from her plate.

"What?" I choke on a bit of toast.

"What on earth did you go and see her for?" I demand.

With a shrug of her shoulders she says "I don't know. A part of me wanted her to apologise as stupid as that is, I just wanted to see her to see if she had any remorse for what she's done"

"And did she?" I question.

"Of course not" Ella shakes her head.

"What did you speak to Harry about?" I dig into my food.

"About you, us, just everything. I needed confirmation that you didn't do anything and Harry put my mind to rest. I was drunk and it was the last thing I thought I'd see on my phone, I'm sorry I reacted the way I did but it's only because I love you so much it broke my heart to even think of you doing something like that" she places her cutlery down and finally looks at me.

"I understand, it must of been a shock. It was for me too, I've never been so scared in my life. No that's a lie the second most scared I've been" I say.

"What was the first?" She tilts her head.

"When I thought I'd lost you at the hospital, when I thought you had died I'll never forget that feeling" I try not to think about it too much.

"Louis. I'm so done with the drama, I just want us to be normal and live a drama free life. I feel sometimes that isn't possible with you?"

"I can't promise drama free but I can promise I'll never hurt you and I'll always be there to sort out any drama that rises and threatens us" I make sure I don't break eye contact.

"I was really fucking scared we were over yesterday and seeing you up on that roof was the most frightened I've ever been" she wiped her cheek from the tear that's fallen.

"I'm sorry you saw me like that, you weren't meant to. But I'm glad you did because If you hadn't of come I don't think I'd be here now" I lean over the table to grab her hand.

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