1.23 The End Of All Lies

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In The driveway.

Allison and Kate sat in the car. 

Dad and i stood in front of Allison's car window.

Kate "You'll never find him on your own"

Dad ignored her and looked at Alli"We will talk about everything. i promise. call me when you get there"

She nodded and Kate drove away. 

Dad turned to me.

I took a deep breath "Are you going to kill me now, dad?"

Dad shook his head "no"

I froze confused "but mom sai-"

Dad cut me off"i don't care what your mother said. You are my daughter."

Me "But the code"

Dad shook his head "i will not kill my own flesh and blood"

Then a black Bentley pulled up in the driveway.

Me "it's Nik"

Nik got out and walked over to us "hello, love and Chris"

Dad "she's part of your sireline, isn't she?"

Nik nodded"she is"

Then Nik bit into his wrist and shoved it to my mouth. My fangs came out and i drank his blood. 

Never had i thought that i would drink blood in front of my Dad.

 I could feel my wound healing and stopped "Thank you"

Nik "Anytime.i gotta go. i have to take care of some business"

I hugged him.

Dad "Thank you, Klaus"

Klaus nodded, got in his car and drove away.

Me "Dad, i need to go, check on Lydia"

Dad nodded "go"

At the Hospital.

I walked trough the elevator and saw Jackson standing in front of the glass from the room in which Lydia was lying in. 

I walked over to him"Jackson?"

He turned around and hugged me "hey"

Then he shoved my sweatshirt to the side to looked at my shoulder.

Me "Nik stopped by a few minutes ago. He healed me"

Jackson sighed relieved"okay. And what's with your parents?"

I shrugged "My mom is acting like i died months ago and wants that my dad to kill me. Dad is trying to deal with it and doesn't wanna kill me soo..."

Then Stiles came through the elevator but got held back by his Dad.

Sheriff "You know what? It's good that were are in a hospital because i wanna kill you!"

Stiles "I-Im sorry. i lost the keys to my jeep. i-i had to run here"

Sheriff snapped "Stiles ,I don't care"

Stiles  "is she gonna be ok?"

Sheriff sighed "they don't know, they don't know what happened. she lost a lots of blood, but.... but there is something else going on with her"

Stiles raised an eyebrow confused "what do you mean?"

Sheriff "the doctors say that it's like she has an allergic reaction. Her body is still in shock"

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