1.95 Gerard

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Next day. at home. Evening.

I walked back into my room

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I walked back into my room.

Scott was sitting on my bed.

I sighed "what now?"

Scott "Did you over think the thing with Theo?"

I shook my head "Scott, i don't want to talk about it. I really, don't"

Scott nodded "okay. "

Me "what's up?"

Scott "Your dad found something in the tunnels"

Me "and what?"

Scott "dead bodies"

i groaned annoyed "that's so Beacon Hills"

He chuckled.

Me "and you and Liam?"

Scott nodded "I have to try to go past that"

I nodded "he is your one true werewolf beta so..."

He nodded.

Liam walked into my room and i groaned.

Me "I could've been naked, Liam. Next time, KNOCK"

Liam blushed, looked down embarrassed and left.

Me "Let's go"

In the tunnels. Night.

We were walking through the tunnels because Scott wanted.

I turned to Scott "why didn't you tell me that we are following the puppy"

Scott "you wouldn't have had come otherwise "

We tried to find Liam.

Scott "can you smell him?"

Me "i smell a lots of things down here"

We walked around a corner and stopped. 

Liam was standing there looking lost.

Scott "got lost?"

Liam nodded.

I smirked "We found the lost puppy. Next time i'll put a leash on you"

He rolled his eyes.

I nodded "Well, i am serious "

Scott "What are you doing here?"

Liam "that's were they took us. I just wanted to ..."

Scott nodded "we understand"

We walked through the tunnels. 

Suddenly the boys groaned in pain. 

I raised an eyebrow. 

It was one of dad's sensors.

Scott groaned in pain "i can hear it too"

I saw a black slice surrounded by an dragon on a wall.

Me "Scott"

I nodded at the thing. 

he walked to it and spun it. 

Then a door opened. We walked through the door.

Suddenly Dad aimed a gun at us.

I asked amused  "really, dad?"

He put it down and shoved it into his pocket.

Then a smell hit me. A smell i believed i would never smell again in my life but i got disappointed. 

I looked at Scott who flashed his red eyes.

Scott "you didn't"

Dad sighed "i had to"

i growled "like hell you had to"

Gerard walked to us "Hello Scott"

he looked at me "Corina"

then he looked at Scott's alpha eyes.

Gerard "i haven't seen that color on you. it suits you"

Scott's eyes went back to their brown color.

Liam "Who is the old guy?"

Me "bad influence and trouble"

Gerard "but at the moment, they would call me an necessary evil. But you can call me Gerard. "

I looked at dad, angrily  "What the hell were you thinking?.

Dad "That we need him"

Me "You do remember he tried to kill me, right??"

Gerard "he is right. Corina , could we ju-"

i held my hand up, shaking my head  "You don't get to talk to me"

He nodded and he looked to Scott "if you want to catch a beast like the beast of Gevaudan, then you need more then two Argents."

Dad "he knows all the stories. all the folklore. everything written and everything past down"

Scott "you sure about this?"

Dad then nodded in a direction "Take a look at this"

We walked into a room. Then we saw the painting on a wall. The beast and the hellhound fighting above a hill of dead bodies.

Dad "the one on the right, is the beast of Gevaudan. You know who the other one is?"

Scott shook his head.

Gerard "The hellhound. The guard of the supernatural places. They are both creatures of the night. But you may know that they are ordinary people during day. "

Dad "and most likely neither know what they are"

I looked at Scott and Liam.

Dad "What?"

Scott" we found a message in Latin"

Me "Damnatio Memoriae"

Dad looked at Gerard.

Gerard "they want it to remember itself"

Dad "That might give us time"

Liam asked confused "time for what?"

Dad "To prevent this"

He pointed at the hill of dead bodies.

Liam "who are they?"

Scott "us. it's all of us"

At Home.

The whole pack was standing around a table. We put an Eichen House ground plan, the security book and a few pics on the table.

Scott looked at us.

we nodded.

Scott "now we get Lydia"

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