1.18 Edging A Werewolf

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At school.

Jackson and i walked next to each other through the hallway.

 But i had the strange feeling that he was looking for someone. 

Jackson walked over to Scott and slammed his locker door shut.

Scott jumped a little. 

Jackson "I know what you are, McCall"

I looked at Scott.

Scott asked surprised "what?"

Jackson "I know what you are"

Scott shook his head"Sorry, i have no idea, what you are talking about"

Jackson nodded "yeah...yeah you do and here is the thing. Whatever you did to become what you are, i want you to get it for me too."

Me "Are you kidding?"

Scott asked confused "get what for you?"

Jackson "whatever it is. A bite, a scratch, a fairy who performs magic under the moonlight. I don't care. You gonna get it for me, or ..."

He grabbed Scott's jaw and turned it in the other direction so that he was looking at Allison  " ...or she is going to find out about it too"

And with that he left.

Scott looked at me "please, tell me he is joking"

Me "i wish i could"

Scott "Allison can't know about this"

I nodded "You are right, but what are we supposed to do? only the alpha can turn him but we have no fucking idea who it is"

Scott "i don't know....are you coming?"

I shot him a confused look.

Scott "history"

I nodded and we walked to history. 

When we got there Scott tried to take the seat next to Allison but Lydia blocked him.

Lydia smiled  "try another road, sweetheart"

She took the seat next to Allison and Scott sat down behind Lydia. 

I sat down behind Allison next to Scott.

The teacher "alright everybody, take your books out"

Scott "Allison"

Allison "hey, class is beginning"

Scott "i know i just ehm. i have some stuff on my phone that wanted to send you. maybe you'll like it"

Allison nodded "yeah"

The teacher told us todays topic.

Allison stood up, took her things, looked at Scott and me and walked out.

Scott followed her.

The teacher asked me "Ms. Argent could you please look after your sister?"

I nodded "of course"

Then I took my things and followed them.

At lunch.

I walked in and saw the table with Allison, Jackson and Lydia and i saw the table were Stiles and Scott were sitting. I walked over to Scott and Stiles and sat down across from Scott. 

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