1.22 No More Lies 2

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I saw Jackson running to me. 

He was going to help me up but i shoved him to Lydia. 

me "no, help her"

Jack "bu-"

Me "please"


I watched the ambulance bring Lydia away. 

Jackson had his arms around me to support me "He bit you"

I saw my dad's car between the buses.

Then I nodded at the buses "What's going on there?"

Jack shrugged "i don't know. let's take a look."

We walked over there and i froze. 

Two cars parking in front of each other, Scott standing on the hoods fully shifted, Allison in one of the buses completely shocked and crying. 

she was broken.

 Allison tripped out of the bus and Dad caught her. 

Dad looked at me and froze when he saw the bite mark.

Scott ran away. 

Dad shook his head and walked o me "you can't be bitten"

I cracked a smile "Dad, i'm fine"

The understatement of the century!

Dad shook his head "no, you are not"

I assured him  "Dad, it won't turn me"

Dad asked me confused  "how can you be so sure?"

My voice cracked  "because it will kill me if i don't get Nik's blood in time"

Dad shook his head, shocked "No..you..you are not..you can't ..be a..Vampire"

both of us had tears in the eyes.

I let a tear roll down my cheek "I'm so sorry"

At home.

Jackson had went to check on Lydia because i told him to. Nik was on his way and now Alli and i were sitting in the living room in front of the rest of the family. 

 Kate sat on the couch across from me and Dad stood by the fireplace. 

Allison was still broken but she had stopped crying.

Dad "How?"

I cracked out "Dad-"

Dad shouted  "How!?"

I flinched before sighing  "You remember, back in San Francisco, when i didn't come home the night...?"

Dad answered surprised "That was months ago"

I shook my head "I couldn't tell you"

Dad asked Allison "Did you know it?"

Allison nodded.

Me "she was the first to know"

Dad yelled "You lied to us!"

I snapped "so did you, Mom and Kate!"

Dad asked hurt "Why didn't you just tell us?"

My jaw dropped  "are you serious? You hunt the supernatural, dad. I was scared, okay? i was scared that would look at me differently. I was scared that my own dad would drive stake through my heart"

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