1.60 "I Don't Feel Anything"

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Next Day.

Stiles told me about his plan to steal the keys, for the basement, from Brunski. He asked me if would stay in my room to cover him and Malia. Of course i said yes. I tried to hear his heartbeat and found it. If it goes faster or too slow i'll run down to the basement and help him.

After a while i heard his heart beat rising. I jumped up and ran down the stairs of the basement. I bumped into someone and it was Oliver.

Me "Hi, Oli-"

he began to smirk and broke my neck.


I groaned and opened my eyes. I looked around and saw that i was in the basement and not only that, i saw Stiles next to me and Malia across from us. I tried to stand up but i was chained to the chair. 

So were Stiles and Malia.

I yelled "Oliver, you son of a Bitch! Let me go!"

Stiles "Oliver, stop this"

Oliver coughed and a dead fly came out of his mouth.

I froze, engrossed.

Stiles "Listen to me "

Oliver took a drill, turned it on and held it to Stiles' head.

Stiles yelled "Oliver! Stop!"

I growled "Believe me, you don't wanna hurt us"

Then we heard a voice "Start with the were-coyote"

Oliver walked with the drill to Malia.

I looked at the direction of the voice and it was the Nogitsune.

Stiles "You did this. You've gotten into his head"

Me "What do you want from us?"

Nogitsune "Every Dracula needs a Renfield"

I looked at Oliver.

He had chaining Malia on a chair.

Stiles begged "Just let her go"

His voice was cracking. I looked at him. He cared about her.

I looked at the Nogitsune "She has nothing to do with this"

Nogitsune "Let me in"

Then he looked at me "and turn it off"

We tried to break free but it was impossible.

Nogitsune "Do you want her to live her life? Do you want us to live? We could walk out of this cage"

Stiles pleaded "Just let her go, please"

Nogitsune "Let me in. Let me in, Stiles. Let me in"

Stiles begged "Just let her go! please"

Nogitsune "Let me in, Stiles! Let me in"

I looked at Stiles.

He leaned back and closed his eyes.

I shook my head  "Don't you dare leaving me, Stilinski! Fight it!"

Stiles looked at me with tears in his eyes "I'm so sorry, princess, forgive me"

I breathed out "Stiles, please"

Stiles "you gotta stop me, Cor, please, you gotta stop me"

i shook my head "no, Stiles, fight it!"

Stiles "Don't try to save me. Kill me. Kill me the second you get the chance"

I shook my head "i can't"

Stiles pleaded "Corina, promise me, please"

I nodded "okay"

Then he closed his eyes.

I let a tear roll down my cheek. 

He opened his eyes.

He let the Nogitsune take over.

I sobbed out "no"

Stiles "Oliver."

He broke free, stood up and walked to me.

Then he leaned down to me.

Me " You got what you wanted. He let you in. Now let me go"

I began to freak out and shifted. 

Stiles smirked and touched my cheek "Turn it off"

I growled "No"

Stiles snarled "Become a ripper. TURN. IT. OFF"

I shook my head.

Stiles "I'll let Oliver kill all of your little pack members. With who should he start with? hm? Your beloved Twin? The boy you love? your father? The boy you trust more than anyone in the world? Who should die first? "

I growled "touch them and i'll rip you apart"

Stiles "If you kill this body, i'll just take another one. You can't kill me, sweetheart"

I gritted my teeth "watch me"

Stiles turned to Oliver "Go on"

Oliver took the drill and put it on Malia's head.

Stiles "Turn it off or he'll drill a hole in her head. TURN. IT. OFF"

I had no choice. There was no way to get Malia out of here alive without me turning it off.

I growled "Fine! you won!"

Stiles raised his hand "Oliver"

Oliver stopped.

Stiles "her life for your humanity."

I nodded "Deal"

He smiled "good"

Then i closed my eyes and let go of everything.

I turned it off. Everything.

Then opened my eyes and felt nothing.

Stiles raised an eyebrow at me.

I smirked at him "well, hello there"

He smirked and unchained me.

Stiles "how are you feeling, sweetheart?"

Me "I am feeling absolutely nothing, but thanks for asking"

Then he gestured to Oliver "why don't you take a bite?"

I smirked "i'd love to"

Then i shifted and attacked Oliver. 

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