1.86 Horror Night At School

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My jaw dropped. 

Theo shifted back.

I asked confused "What happened to Donovan? Stiles, what happened?"

they ignored me.

Theo "i know what happened to Donovan. I know everything"

Stiles grabbed Theo by his shirt collar and smashed him against the fence.

He held Theo against it "You don't know anything"

Theo grabbed him by the collar, turned them around and held him against the fence "I was there!. I was at the library. When Malia found the book, she was texting us that she left you at the library. I told her i was close, when i got there i heard the scaffolding come down"

Stiles froze  "You saw him?"

Theo "just the body"

They let go of each other.

Theo "i watched you come out. I didn't say anything because you didn't. "

Me "so it's true"

Stiles looked down.

I breathed out shocked "oh my god"

Suddenly we heard sirens.

Theo "it's not an ambulance, is it?"

Stiles shook his head and walked to the body.

Theo "we should get out of here"

Stiles shook his head  "We can't just leave him"

Me "Then let's take him"

They looked at me.

Me "Do you wanna tell your dad that my boyfriend ripped a chimera's throat out with his claws? Your dad would believe it but what would the others think?"

My jaw dropped when i realized that i called Theo my "boyfriend. 

I put a hand over my mouth, shocked. 

Stiles did not like that at all.

Theo nodded "she is right. Someone is stealing the bodies, at least we could find out who"

Stiles didn't move.

Me "Stiles, come on! We have to do something"

Stiles looked at Theo "You killed him"

Theo "it was self defense. He was gonna kill Cori, you and me. If we stay, we will have a problem. It's your choice. I'm not gonna ask you to lie to your dad."

Stiles "Don't worry, i had years of practice"

At the animal clinic.

We brought the boy to the animal clinic. 

We put him on a table and covered him with a blanket. 

Scott walked to us and looked at him.

Theo "You know him?"

Scott nodded "His name is Josh, he was a junior"

I looked at Theo.

Scott "Which one did it?"

He thought The Dread Doctors killed him.

Scott "The one with the cane?"

Stiles nor Theo said anything.

I nodded "yeah"

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