1.120 "It's Okay"

411 16 0

I woke up and looked around. I was chained on a chair. I was soaked in Vervain water. My skin was burned but it couldn't heal because the Vervain was soaking in.

I looked around.

The door opened and closed. 

I breathed out "Gerard"

He walked to a table.

Me "They will come for me"

Gerard nodded "You're right. They will. "

I looked at the thing in front of Gerard.

I asked amused "Electricity? This is getting old, Grandpa"

Gerard "The Vervain last night. The water burning your skin. It's soaking in, isn't it?"

I sighed weakly "Just kill me already"

Gerard shook his head "i don't wanna kill you, my child. You're blood"

I scoffed "Blood does not try to kill blood"

Gerard "I made mistakes"

I chuckled dry "Like trying to kill Brett?"

Gerard "He's dead. Like his sister. What was her name again? Lori, was it?"

I yelled "You bastard! How could you!?"

Gerard "i have my reasons"

Me "They were teenagers! Kids!"

Gerard warned "Careful, child"

I looked around "What am i doing here?"

Suddenly two guys walked inside.

Gerard "There you are. Corina, this are Brandon and James. You're going to drink from them."

My jaw dropped "And why would i do that?"

Gerard "Because you're a vampire. It's in your nature. First you're going to lose control and then i'm going to hand you over to your friends"

i shook my head "i am not going to hurt my friends"

Gerard chuckled "oh you will, child. It's who you are. A monster"

Me "and you kill monsters."

Gerard "Like i said, i'm not killing you. Can't say the same to your pack after i'm done with you, though"

I shook my head "Don't do this to me, please"

Another guy walked inside "Gerard, someone is here to speak to you"

Gerard nodded and walked to the two guys "She's going to drink from you. Either way"

Then he walked out.

They guys walked to me and unchained me.

I shook my head "i'm not drinking from you, guys"

Brandon "if you wanna get out. You'll have to"

He took a knife out and cut his forearm.

My eyes were glued on the blood that started to run down his arm.

I could feel myself shifting.

James smirked "There we go"

I shook my head "not happening"

James walked to the table "You'll have to"

Then he switched something on the box. A pain shot through my body. Electricity.

I screamed in pain.

Brandon "The only way to stop the pain is if you stop us by killing us"

I kept screaming.

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