1.2 First Day Of School

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Cori's daylight ring. given to her by the vampire who turned her to make her life a living hell.

Next day. Morning.

I opened my eyes and groaned when the sunlight hit my eyes.

Then  I rolled out of bed and walked to my big mirror.

 I jerked back and grimaced "holy shit"

A mess. i looked like a mess. 

Then i walked into Allison's room and yawned "Allison"

No answer. 

Me "Allison, get up"

No answer. 

I whined annoyed " wake the hell up!"

No answer. 

I rolled my eyes annoyed and walked to the curtains "don't make me open them"

No answer. 

I ripped them open and looked at her. 

The sunlight hit her face. 

She groaned and hid her face under the pillow. 

Then i walked to the bed and sat down on it. 

Allison groaned "Get out of my room, Cori"

I fake smiled "Morning to you too. We have school and I'm kinda hungry"

She sat up, sighing "Cori.."

I drove a hand through my hair while sighing " I don't like it either but i don't have much of a choice. I need it if i wanna go to school or else i'm gonna rip some heads off on our first day"

She nodded and held her wrist out. 

My fangs came out and i bit in her wrist. 

She hissed in pain.

 I started to drink from her. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 

I let go of her and she hid her hand under the blanket.

My face turned back to normal and i called out "come in"

The door opened and dad's head popped in "Morning, girls"

I fake smiled "morning"

Allison forced a smiled "morning, dad, what do you need?"

Dad " we're leaving in 30, okay?"

I nodded "okay"

He nodded before walking out.

I looked at Allison who breathed out relieved. 

She nodded "that was close, Cori"

I nodded "yeah, we have to  be more careful next time"

Allison nodded "mhmm. get up. We need to get ready"

I nodded and stood up. 


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