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" you've got a fire inside but your heart's so cold "

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LENA watched from the doorway as Kaleb carefully set Davina down in the chair. Klaus had knocked her out when he threw Mikael's staff through the window, which Lena knew was better than him actually killing her.

"Maybe we should take her to a hospital," called out Lena, to Kaleb. He turned his head towards her and smirked, noticing Klaus standing with a protective arm wrapped around her waist.

"Oh hello darling," greeted Kaleb, "back to huff and puff and blow the house down?"

"It's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat."

Lena rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, causing Kaleb to smirk again. He liked to smirk. He was like Klaus in that sense. "Don't even listen to him, he's like this." Klaus raised his eyebrow at his girlfriend, noticing the hostile tenseness to her shoulders.

"You might wanna try a bit of lavender under your pillow, does wonders for pillocks with anger issues!"

"Shut up!" snapped Lena, pushing into the room to check on Davina. The girl was still breathing and her heart rate was steady. However, there was a pretty nasty bruise blossoming on her forehead and she couldn't help but wince at it.

"I promised not to kill Davina, I said nothing of this insolent sod."

"You can't. One, I need answers only he can provide and two, Davina would kill you like eight times because you keep killing guys she fancies," Lena told her boyfriend, pushing Davina's hair out of her face. Kaleb leant back on his heels to grin up at Klaus. Lena glared at him, and clicked her fingers. Next thing she knew, Kaleb let out a strangled howl of pain and Klaus was laughing. Kaleb's tongue had grown to reach the floor.

"What the hell?" he shouted, jumping to his feet when Lena returned his tongue to normal. His eyes hardened in anger and it looked as if he was about to lash out at her, but luckily she moved back in time. Klaus grabbed her arm when she was close enough and pulled her back, almost causing her to tumble into his chest.

"You needed that smirk wiped right off your face," Lena explained, but her hands were shaking. She had only ever seen that type of hot anger in the eyes of the Mikaelson siblings, but it was never turned towards her. Not until now.

"Lena, go and get the car ready, we'll take her to the hospital."

Lena nodded, taking the keys from Klaus and making her way towards his Jeep. She hummed to herself, swinging the keys around her fingers after unlocking the car from the porch. When she got the car, she opened up the passenger door, ready to slip in, but as soon as she had opened the door, she felt arms wrap around her. She got ready to scream, but a hand covered her mouth and a familiar, deep voice filled her ear.

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