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" i'm still waking every morning but it's not with you "

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FOR twenty one years, it had been only Lena and Rebekah, and then one day while they were in Paris, everything changed. In New Orleans, Lena was introduced to Rebekah's brothers, and a pregnant werewolf and a whole city of supernatural creatures. Now, just over a year later, Lena rocked back in forth in the armchair, the beautiful baby falling asleep in her arms.

"Once upon a time there was a majestic king who lived with his noble brother in a colourful kingdom where music and art were celebrated. The king did not forsee having a child but he lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible."

Lena could picture Klaus as she spoke of him. She would bet on the fact that he'd be standing on his balcony, watching the people pass by on the street below, not giving a care in the world. She missed him. It had been five months since she had seen him.

"In time, he was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter for whom he wished only peace and happiness. Still, the king had demons who pursued him--" whispered Lena as she got up from the armchair to take her to her cot. She and Rebekah had bought a pretty apartment on the outskirts of Atlanta, near a wonderful park that Hope loved and the nicest little community.

"--there was a ruthless beast who wanted to take the kingdom for her own, armed with a pack of untamed creatures she drove the other magical beings from the land and there was a wicked sorceress with enchanted stones that weakened the king on every full moon."

Lena fixed Hope in her cot, moving the knitted blanket so that it covered her small, tiredly squirming body.

"Seeing the shadow his enemies cast upon his home the king was driven to send his beloved princess away, convincing all who remained that she was forever lost. The king in his sorrow, turned away from the world. The castle closed its doors and the kingdom fell. Some say that the only light that shines in the castle illuminates the shadow of the once mighty king in the room meant for his child. But as the ruthless beasts took rule over the fallen king's realm, little did they know that he and his brother would not rest until their enemies were vanquished, for they believed that one day they would heal their kingdom and bring their princess home. So that she might live happily ever after."

Lena leant over the cot, pressing a kiss to the top of Lena's head. The baby girl smiled a little in her sleep before her eyes fluttered shut and her small snores rang through the silent room. Lena let her hand cup Hope's head, before she felt the presence in the doorway and turned to see Rebekah standing with her arms crossed.

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