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A/N: Most of this page was just so i could bullshit in some sort of friendship with todoroki 😂 and honestly i forgot momo has literally been left out and doesn't know anything that's going on with her best friend so i needed to bullshit that conversation in as well, So this page is pretty shit because honestly i was putting all my attention on writing the pages for them attacking the villains.


Though i felt like i needed to train aizawa had insisted that i didn't because he didn't want to push my body to much, which led me to go help todoroki with the younger kids he had been helping on his free time.

Momo had gone along with him once until she needed to leave but from what i heard from her it was pretty much just babysitting while there teachers took a break.

While i waited for him to get dressed in his hero costume i walked around looking for momo, the dorms never felt big until you needed to find one person out of the lot.

When i got back up the stairs to our floor i checked her room then went down to mine seeing her laying across the end of the bed.

"Should of known this is where you'd be" i said causing her to look over at me.

"So i need to tell you some things....like a lot of things" i added.

"Yeah sure what's up" she said letting her eyes shift from me to the door behind me causing me to turn around and look seeing todoroki.

"You ready"

"Yeah I'm coming" i said letting out a low huff.

"I'll tell you tonight" i added getting a nod from her before leaving with todoroki.

"Were you going to tell her about bakugou" i heard coming from todoroki as we started going down the stairs



"It's alright" i said with a small laugh.

The whole walk to the kids preschool my mind was elsewhere.

We hardly had a plan for attacking the villains besides taking them by surprise but even still that depended on if i could get edgeshot in the building in the first place let alone shigaraki's room.

Aizawa said we'd attack them on friday which was only two days away.

"What do you actually do here" i said pushing the thought to the back of my head once we reached the preschool.

"Mainly just let them show their quirks and keep them distracted while the teachers are busy"

"Seems easy enough" i added waiting as he pulled the door open.

"There's no trick to it"

I watched as a bunch of kids started running around circling him as soon as we got in the classroom until i felt one tugging on my top getting me to look down at him.

"Are you five pee pee mans girlfriend"

"Five what" i said raising an eyebrow before todoroki started pushing me to the front of the class.

"Five nothing, just ignore him" he interrupted causing me to laugh.

My mind was going crazy, i was worried about talking to momo and freaking out about friday.

Attacking villains was something I hadn't done unless you'd count mine and dabi's fight, i mean this is what we train for but i guess it's a lot scarier when it comes to actually doing it.

I kept my eyes on todoroki watching as he made small flames in his hand showing a small group of kids causing them all to smile and clap there hands.

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