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A/N: this part was written on my laptop so i don't know how it looks and there's probably a lot of spelling mistakes since my laptop doesn't correct my spelling so I'll fix that later on. Also i thought this part was pretty boring so i waited till i wrote '30' as well so i could try make up for it by uploading 2 parts at once 😂 but honestly there both pretty boring parts since i just needed to get the training camp out of the way.


When i left elena's last night i went straight to the dorms and straight up to my room, after a while kirishima came in trying to get me to come downstairs and eat something but eventually gave up when i started getting mad almost yelling that i wasn't hungry.

He came in again this morning, only this time he dragged me out of my bed and out into the hallway regardless of how much i was yelling at him.

"bakugou we don't have time for this you can carry on with your sulking on the bus just get ready" he said walking towards the stairs.

"the bus"

"yes the bus, the training camps today" he added before going down to the showers.

"yay let's go back to the place where i got captured" i mumbled to myself as i walked back into my room to grab a change of clothes before going down to the showers.

when i got down to the common room all the girls where waiting around watching the girls showers as steam came out the door.

"whats going on" i heard momo asking uraraka as she came down with her bag.

"elenas turned the showers into a sauna and nobody wants to go in there because of how hot it is" she said rubbing her neck with a laugh causing momo to let out a sign before walking in there.

when momo came back out she had dragged elena out and forced her upstairs to get ready while everyone else started going into the showers as the steam disappeared.

"i'm going to assume with the way you two are acting you cut it off with her" kirishima said following behind me into the showers.

i nodded not wanting to talk about it and turned my shower on waiting for it to warm up.

once almost everyone was packed and had put their bags on the bus aizawa told us what would be happening when we got there, hoping that this time villains wouldn't come an attack.

we had more pro hero's coming along this time for that reason but honestly i wouldn't put it past the villains to still try.

as i was about to hop on the bus i heard screaming coming from behind me and turned around to see elena screaming as she threw her bag on the ground from her back.

"stupid burns" i heard her say trying to choke out a laugh as todoroki grabbed her bag and put it in the bus for her, as curious as i was about if she had told him how she got them or not i wasn't about to go over and ask.

the drive to the camp resulted in mina and kirishima sitting in front of me while kaminari and sero took the seat behind me knowing i'd want to sit alone, throughout the first half of the drive i sat there with my headphones in trying to not pay attention the the other idiots on the bus around me.

i watched as mina got up out of her sit turning to sit down next to me and yanked on the headphone cord to pull it out.

"are you okay"

"are you looking down on me mina"

"i'm worried, ever since we met you you haven't been this quiet" she said looking at me as i made it obvious i wasn't paying attention.

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