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When I got back to Mina's everyone was still passed out sleeping besides Kirishima who was in the kitchen looking for food.

"Where'd you go"

"Took Elena to training" I replied as I sat on the stool in front of him.

I watched as he looked at me for what felt like forever before he smiled then turned back to grab more food.

"What's up with you two anyway"

"The hell do you mean! Nothings up!" I replied

"Sure, your just friends, so that'd mean you would also cuddle up to Mina the way you did to Elena right" he said smirking.

"I mean because you only think of her as your friend and Mina's a friend" he added crossing his arms and looking at me.

"I know what your doing shitty hair and it's not going to work" I replied growing tired of the conversation.

"Alright then what was kaminari's question, why did you get so angry" he laughed

"It's not a bad thing to like someone bakugou" he added after he realised I wasn't replying.

After half an hour of silence he pushed a bowl in front of me then walked out and woke up kaminari passing him one along with Sero and Mina.

It was the perks of having Kirishima at Friday nights, weather you were sober or hung over when you woke up he would be there to help.

"Where's Elena" Mina said with a yawn.


"Training after a Friday night has to suck" Sero added

"When will your parents be home" kaminari said walking inside and sitting down on the couch.

"Later tonight" Mina replied

This was how it was all the time, constantly staying at which ever house had no parents for the night.

My mum and dad almost always went out on saturdays and Kirishima knew this. My plan was to act like they were staying in tonight that way it wouldn't be my house everyone was at and it would just be me and Elena but if Kirishima said anything that wouldn't work.

"Bakugou, what about yours" Sero said as he attempted to clean up some of the mess from last night.

"Everyone's home tonight" I replied getting up to help him.

"We can just go to mine, I mean my parents don't mind it just won't be like Friday nights" kaminari interrupted as he stuck his bowl in the sink and walked outside to clean up with Mina.

"Just friends huh" I heard Kirishima saying once I sat back at the bench.

"Shut up were just training" I said looking at him.

"Good thing her training with Todoroki is finished then" he said with a smirk as he looked at my phone on the counter.

"That might not of even been her idiot the number could be anyone's" I replied knowing that it wasn't convincing at all.

Elena: change of plans, were going to get lunch I'll see you after that

Bakugou: were training at mine I'll meet you there

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