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"This is where she is" I asked momo while we were all crouched on a hill by the building.

"Yeah the receiver shows her moving around in there"

"Well it's not like we're staring at a small house momo that's a 6 story building and only 5 of us" denki said pointing towards the building.

"6, I told todoroki to meet us here and if she's moving around she's either moving with them or she managed to get away"

"So when he gets here we each take a floor and find her" sero questioned.

Hearing footsteps behind us caused us all to turn out of habit to see who was coming.

Realising it was todoroki allowed us to relax until we heard a huge nose going off from the building setting the bottom floor on fire.

I could hear everyone behind me talking while I was watching the building trying to think of something to do.

"I have an idea" I said turning to look back at them.

"If their looking for her they'll be split up to cover more floors, clearly nobody's on the bottom floor" I said gesturing to the building.

"Momo I need you to make something big and soft for us all to land on, giving that we're going to have to jump. Denki And todoroki you take the second and third floor. I'll take the fourth kirishima and sero you take the fifth and sixth"

"Wait, take these" momo interrupted passing us each an ear piece.

"It'll help you talk to each other" she added

"Remember we're here to get Elena and get out we're not here to fight" todoroki said standing up looking at the building.

"We only fight if we have to" he added looking back at me.

"Let's just go already" denki said standing up and walking out towards the building with the rest of them following him but me and momo.



"Please find her, she may not admit it to me but I can tell she cares about you" momo said.

I turned away and started walking out towards the others leaving her there to do her part.

"I got it" I called out before she couldn't hear me anymore.

I watched sero wrap tape around kirishima and lift them both up to the top floors, throwing Kirishima through the window onto the top one while he went into the fifth.

Denki taking the second as it was easiest for him to get to and todoroki taking the third using his ice to reach it.

I put my hands next to me and made an explosion big enough to push me up to the fourth floor.

"Everyone In" I heard coming through the ear piece with everyone replying.

"Yeah" I said walking towards the door of the small room I was in.

"Alright find Elena and get out" I heard again.

The building was big and with no idea on where we were going we were most likely going to bump into a villain and have to fight no matter how much todoroki said not to fight.

"About the no fighting, say we bump into villains then what" I could tell by the voice it was denki and knew if he over did it with his quirk he would be dead weight.

"Don't over use your quirk, we don't have time to be sending someone down to cover your floor as well" I said through the ear piece while walking through the opened room.

Choosing him  [Katsuki Bakugou]Where stories live. Discover now