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~I'm posting this one now so I don't have to deal with it when I wake up, it is currently 5:51am where I am and I have not slept 😂 this was originally in (Elena's POV) but since hers was the last one I had to change it to Bakugous which made it so much worse and even more cringe than it was before.
There's some (lemon/sexual bullshit) whatever you want to call it but I'll let you know before it happens so you can skip it if you want, I'd suggest just skipping the whole page because it's disgusting since it's now in his POV but yup I'll let you know before the sexual shit happens 😂


The walk from mina's to mine had started to be less worrying knowing everyone else was back at the dorms and elena's mum was out of town till Sunday afternoons.

It seemed like that for her to with how she had intertwined our fingers as we walked, affection from a girl was one thing but coming from her it was whole different feeling.

Although we weren't dating due to her not wanting to start something we couldn't keep if her parents found out.

We acted as if we were, weather we were having a silly argument over something little or couldn't get enough of each other it started to show parts of me I thought I would never show.

With me not knowing how to express myself properly, it gave me chances to try I guess.

By the time we got to my house my parents were just leaving for the night, where they went all the time was an unanswered question to both me and her considering we never bothered to ask.

Although I preferred not to know anyway.

With me stuck saying bye to my parents which to elena probably sounded more like yelling than anything, she went into the lounge room probably looking at the stupid bookshelf my parents were proud of. When we were kids it was a lot more empty, giving the time we stopped hanging out they had managed to full the whole thing.

"their gone" I said coming in from the kitchen stopping at the door.

"do you still read" she questioned tracing her hand along some of the books.

"sometimes I guess, why"

"just wondering" she added as I let out a grunt as i sat down on the couch watching her every move as if it'd kill me not to.

"what" she said letting out a low laugh as she tilted her head so she could see me.

"we haven't been on our own for a week and you're going to stand around looking at books the minute we're alone together"

"needy" she replied turning her body to face me

"shut up, just come here for a minute and stop looking at the books" i said letting my eyes scan her body.

she walked over placing one leg on one side of me then lifting her other one to the other side so she was straddling me.

I let my arms fall down to hold her hips still before grabbing her wrist tracing the scar around it.

A scar she claimed had no serious back story to it besides the fact that i still didn't believe her when she said i didn't do it during the scavenger hunt.

Choosing him  [Katsuki Bakugou]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat