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A/N: So i haven't really written anything for this because i binge watched all of attack on titans 😂 and then proceeded to have a sulk about it afterwards so this page is a bit rushed because i was debating about trying to write something to do with levi or not😬 anyway I'm going to add some random boy into this for like one part of this page then he's going to never be heard of or spoken of again just because i want to fuck around with bakugou some more (i love him i swear), we'll call him i don't know like Haru i guess and his quirk is that he is able to make people see what ever he wants them to by looking at them (works the same as elenas because i'm uncreative)


When Monday came Aizawa had midnight teach the class for the day while he made me take him to where i saw dabi take elena, elena tagging along was completely up to her.

Although she said she was coming along incase dabi or someone came out while we were there i was convinced she just didn't want to go to class today.

Elena ended up leading the way to where she would meet dabi and then she let me take over once we got there.

instead of going by ground aizawa insisted we go by roof tops also giving elena time to practise using the cloth to get me and her across since he claimed my explosions would be to loud.

i stood at the edge of the roof looking around for the building while her and aizawa went across, getting distracted by the cloth wrapping around my waist i ended up looking back over at her to see if she was ready.

Even with me fulling trusting her to be able to pull me across herself she would wait for me to be aware of it and wouldn't pull me till i jumped so it'd help her with moving my weight.

"it's just down there" i said pointing to the building i remembered her going into.

"an old abandoned furniture warehouse" elena said raising an eyebrow.

"thats where he took you"

"i can kind of see it i guess" she added looking at the building.

"that must be where shigaraki stays soooo....they would all be in that area there right now" she said pointing to spots of the building.

"do you reckon you could draw out a layout of it all" aizawa said looking at her causing her to nod.

"Alright you two stay here I'm going to go have a look around" he added jumping off the roof only to pull himself up to the next one.

i could tell elena was worrying about him going off on his own around here regardless of how much of a pro hero he was and being honest it worried me a little.

only elena knew what was really inside that building, she knew who would be in there and when they would be in there. she knew everything she needed to know about staying safe around here and if she was still worried then it was just proof enough we didn't know what was going on in there.

"he'll be okay" i said watching her eyes move from the building to mine before she finally turned around and sat down leaning against the wall next to me.

"i know but it's still okay to worry about him, i'd worry about you if you went looking around there too" she replied moving the cloth around in front of her.

"what's in there"

"nothing important to us, theres like three rooms on the bottom floor including shigarakis little area and some tunnels underneath. i don't know what's up stairs but i'd assume nothing since nobody even goes up there"

i watched as she grabbed a chipped rock from beside her and started drawing out the rooms on the ground.

"we all sit around in this corner here, that's really all i do. next to it is where shigaraki usually is then theres like a huge empty space covering the rest of it besides these stairs which take you down to the tunnels" she added drawing a cross over the staircase.

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